View Poll Results: What applications would you like to see FIRST to receive portrait mode ?
This poll will close on 2009-09-12 at 20:41 |
Messaging (SMS, MSN, Skype and other IM)
412b, amoult, ankkuri, BaKSo, bheetebrij, Bundyo, DaKing, dormant, elimoon8, frals, hbghbg, IcyAirs, iKneaDough, Jack6428, Jaffa, jandmdickerson, JayOnThaBeat, joppu, Juhnu, kapianna, Kapr73, korbé, lagonda, linuxeventually, locusf, Matic, messus, mobiledivide, NvyUs, NZtechfreak, OVK, pkenned, qole, range, ruskie, Sevanteri, sjgadsby, steve4130, SubCore, tangs, thisandthathereandthere, timsamoff, togashi, Verythrax, vode, yerga, ysss
49 |
60.49% |
Media player
amoult, ankkuri, BaKSo, Capt'n Corrupt, conny, DaKing, dormant, dwould, generationally, grog, hbghbg, jandmdickerson, JayBomb999, joppu, Juhnu, kanishou, korbé, Kozzi, makel, messus, NvyUs, NZtechfreak, Ovek, pelago, peterjb31, pinguino89, pkenned, pycage, qole, range, rjcooke, ruskie, sachin007, Sevanteri, tangs, thisandthathereandthere, tissot
39 |
48.15% |
412b, BaKSo, Capt'n Corrupt, ColdFusion, DaKing, elimoon8, generationally, grog, iKneaDough, JayOnThaBeat, joppu, joshua.maverick, kapianna, korbé, messus, NZtechfreak, pelago, pkenned, pycage, range, Sevanteri, tangs, thisandthathereandthere, togashi, Tommy, Verythrax, ysss
30 |
37.04% |
BaKSo, Bundyo, grog, hbghbg, JayOnThaBeat, kanishou, kapianna, korbé, messus, nilchak, NvyUs, Ovek, pelago, Sevanteri, steve4130, tangs, thecursedfly, thisandthathereandthere, timsamoff, Verythrax, ysss
21 |
25.93% |
BaKSo, ColdFusion, conny, dormant, generationally, grog, iKneaDough, johnkzin, korbé, makel, Matic, messus, myrjola, NZtechfreak, OVK, qole, range, ruskie, tangs, thisandthathereandthere
22 |
27.16% |
Document viewer/editor
BaKSo, dormant, hbghbg, IcyAirs, Jaffa, javispedro, JayOnThaBeat, joshua.maverick, Kozzi, linuxeventually, lma, Matic, messus, peterjb31, Sevanteri, tangs, thecursedfly, thisandthathereandthere, timsamoff, Verythrax
20 |
24.69% |
412b, amoult, ankkuri, BaKSo, bheetebrij, Bulfaiter, Bundyo, ColdFusion, debernardis, dormant, dwould, frals, grog, IcyAirs, iKneaDough, JayOnThaBeat, joppu, kapianna, Kapr73, korbé, makel, messus, mobiledivide, peterjb31, sachin007, Sevanteri, SubCore, tangs, thecursedfly, thisandthathereandthere, timsamoff, tissot, Verythrax, yerga, ysss
38 |
46.91% |
BaKSo, dormant, grog, hbghbg, korbé, Kozzi, makel, messus, myrjola, nilchak, peterjb31, pkenned, Sevanteri, tangs, thisandthathereandthere, tissot
18 |
22.22% |
Phone style on-screen keyboard (123-456-789-*0#)
412b, BaKSo, bheetebrij, Bulfaiter, Bundyo, Canterbury, Capt'n Corrupt, debernardis, dormant, frals, grog, hbghbg, IcyAirs, joppu, Juhnu, kapianna, Kapr73, korbé, Kozzi, locusf, messus, mobiledivide, NZtechfreak, OVK, pkenned, qole, range, sachin007, Sevanteri, steve4130, SubCore, tangs, thecursedfly, thisandthathereandthere, Verythrax, ysss
37 |
45.68% |
Full qwerty on-screen keyboard
412b, ColdFusion, elimoon8, gokuman56, hbghbg, iKneaDough, javispedro, joppu, joshua.maverick, Kapr73, korbé, lagonda, linuxeventually, messus, NZtechfreak, pelago, pycage, qole, range, sachin007, Sevanteri, tangs, togashi, Verythrax, yerga
27 |
33.33% |
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