View Poll Results: What best describes you?
I'm a software developer proficient in Maemo and its technical details. 1 3.33%
I'm a developer with Linux experience, but not Maemo. I don't understand what all the fuss is about. 3 10.00%
I'm a developer, but without any Linux experience. I am willing to risk bricking my N900 to learn. 2 6.67%
I'm a developer, but without any Linux experience. I'd like to learn Maemo, but don't have the time. 2 6.67%
I'm a proficient Maemo user, but I'm not a developer. I think we should all stay out of their hair. 0 0%
I'm a proficient Linux user, but new to Maemo. I want to transfer my desktop experience to my N900. 4 13.33%
I'm a proficient computer user, but without Linux experience. I am willing to risk bricking my N900. 4 13.33%
I'm a proficient computer user, but without Linux experience. It would be best if I played it safe. 14 46.67%
I'm a computer newbie. Just tell me what I have to do. I don't want to understand how it all works. 0 0%
Voters: 30.

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