View Poll Results: What is your OS configuration?
Debian (and variants including Ubuntu)
adalal, AlMehdi, anthonie, anthony_barker, Aranel, Arctine, b-man, Benson, Blaatmeister, blackbird, BruceL, Bulfaiter, buurmas, bzhnjm, cheungs, choubbi, chowdahhead, chrget, clasificado, codeMonkey, colin.stephane, cpm, cyapalmos, daddeddad, damion, davbost, der_oecker, Digbum13, dmj726, DrWilken, dwould, earthling, enceladus47, EzInKy, fatalsaint, filologen, finlaybob, fionbio, Flandry, fnordianslip, geneven, gesperon, gobuki, Greippi, HangLoose, hardkorek, Heman1310, henry, Hrw, iceman600, j.s, jabawok, jaemo, James_Littler, javispedro, jjx, jkq, JosefA, jpandrusky, jperez2009, jsa, juise-, kangou, KC1950, Kegetys, keithzg, khg, lagonda, linuxeventually, livefreeordie, lma, lohiaprateek, LordNelson, maluka, Mandibela, Mandor, MasterPo, microe, mikecomputing, mivoligo, mobiledivide, mrebanza, mrsellout, Mumbler, Naranek, nbosch1, nightfire, Nokia 5700, nowave7, osomanos, paai, patator, pelago, Petteri, Pfuh3z, phobosk, pkubaj, plaban, Rauha, RFS-81, rich c, RiD, Schuhsohle, shadowjk, Shaichico, Shanezlar, Simply_Texan, sky4vip, Slocan, Soder, soeiro, Steelphoenix, stefanov, SubCore, TA-t3, thecursedfly, tip184, tnhh, tomaszrybak, Trek1701, twoboxen, uvatbc, vivainio, VladNistor, weirdbeard, x61, xomm, zail, zoner
130 |
43.62% |
5 |
1.68% |
Mandriva (and variants)
8 |
2.68% |
Other Linux Operating Systems
admiral0, anthonie, arkanoid, blubbi, Bruce Forsberg, Bundyo, choubbi, clasificado, craftyguy, Crashdamage, Dak, earthling, egoshin, emesem, EzInKy, floffe, gesperon, giladmttw, gsever, hans51, jabawok, jfk, jjx, jkq, Joe Cool, jonquark, keithzg, linuxeventually, lma, Marcus, microe, mikec, mpsi, mrebanza, MrWeasel, mutterh, noipv4, pcfe, penguinbait, Pfuh3z, phobosk, pinsh, pkubaj, rajil.s, rm42, RobbH, roundyz, shadowjk, Shaichico, sky4vip, smoku, spag, Steelphoenix, stefanov, stlpaul, Techark, Texrat, thersites, TNiga, tommiasp, Trek1701, tso, zail, zerojay, ziller, ZootHornRollo, zwer
71 |
23.83% |
Windows XP
adamFsmith, anthonie, anthony_barker, Benson, Blaatmeister, Bulfaiter, buurmas, cheungs, choubbi, chrget, clasificado, clemsonuee, craftyguy, DaveP1, Descalzo, Flandry, garen, gesperon, gobuki, Heman1310, Icee, jfk, JinxeD, jjx, jkq, JonWW, jsa, juise-, Kroll, lennartb, Mandibela, mikec, mr yoda, Mumbler, pelago, Pfuh3z, pkubaj, pyromaniac, qwerty12, Rauha, rjcooke, RobbH, shadowjk, Shaichico, Shanezlar, shiny, Sopwith, soravhoney, Steelphoenix, Texrat, thecursedfly, Thor, TNiga, ToJa92, tso, uvatbc, Venemo, Wikiwide, xomm, zail, ZootHornRollo, zwer
64 |
21.48% |
Windows 7/Vista
2disbetter, adalal, adamFsmith, aeonsim, aligatro, amorek13, anthony_barker, Aranel, Arif, Asterixnz, bachagabriel, bandora, bartekxyz, bigdom58, Blaatmeister, Blobster2k, BoeMatic, carolinabluejay, Catacylsm, choubbi, clasificado, craftyguy, Dave999, DaveP1, DJRedline, earthling, egoshin, erayzer, Exca, fahadj2003, fieryriver, finlaybob, frals, geneven, greyw0lf, Grok, grumps312, Guyver, HangLoose, Heman1310, Hmtsjmftsch, HoddzDJ, Icee, James_Littler, jer006, JinxeD, jkq, juise-, kanna, karatchov, Kegetys, kevloral, Kingsley, Laughing_Man, LuckTR, Lullen, luso, MarkusB, Mas Termind, matristain, MATRIX5000, mava2, mmurfin87, mnaveed, mobiledivide, moneytoo, mrebanza, mrojas, mullf, Olvi, osomanos, Palleman, pasih, Pfuh3z, pkubaj, plaban, Pulzar, qw3rty, RiD, rjcooke, sachin007, Shaichico, shiny, Simply_Texan, sky4vip, smartypants, Soder, SovietStriker, Techark, thebigham, tissot, TNiga, ToJa92, Turkishflavor, twoboxen, UNderworld, UQs, uvatbc, vgasmo, viegas, vvaz, Zelig87, zerone, ZShakespeare
107 |
35.91% |
Mac OS X
23LBJ23, amarjyoti, Bulfaiter, Descalzo, Digbum13, Dinho, eightace, fnordianslip, fwrnando, gesperon, goemb, greyw0lf, James_Littler, jsa, jsbigs, jules.tartonpillon, Lacedaemon, maluka, Mandibela, mehdiE, mikec, Missingbyte, mobiledivide, pasih, Pfuh3z, Rauha, somedude, sondjata, thommy, tournstone, twoboxen, ukki, wstutt, ysss
34 |
11.41% |
Mac OS 9 and before
1 |
0.34% |
Multiple Boot with any combination
*Sonic*, amarjyoti, anthonie, anthony_barker, Aranel, Benson, buurmas, cheungs, choubbi, chrget, Descalzo, egoshin, EzInKy, finlaybob, frostbyte, geneven, jabawok, James_Littler, javispedro, jfk, jkq, johnel, juise-, kazuki, kopele, linuxeventually, Mandibela, Megaltariak, mobiledivide, moja, mrebanza, Mumbler, pelago, Pfuh3z, pkubaj, RiD, RobbH, Shaichico, skalogre, sky4vip, Soder, tso, xomm
43 |
14.43% |
Other (Any OS not listed, Examples: Win98, BSD)
admiral0, ARJWright, Benson, DaveR53, earthling, finlaybob, jabawok, jjx, kangou, lma, Mandibela, pkubaj, shadowjk, Shaichico, Wikiwide, zail
16 |
5.37% |
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