View Poll Results: Is My Nokia useful for you?
Yes, the SMS messages are very informative. I like it.
8 |
8.25% |
No, I know more than the Nokia Marketing department about my N900
adamFsmith, aligatro, Amboss, anaskr, Astute, Bec, benny1967, BigTony, blackbird, chrget, cjp, CormacB, Crashdamage, Crogge, Crugath, dagger, davidp, debernardis, dee, Desmodromic, devu, durazell, dynomot, e-yes, ed00, fieryriver, fleetwood, flexmat, gwj, Hannu, Helmuth, Jagat4webber, JonWW, juahan, juanenrique, juise-, kelvan, kkedacic, LippiVan, lunatik, Mandibela, Mandor, Megaltariak, mjakl, myrjola, ndi, omeriko9, pcklee123, pelago, pixelgeek, pycage, qwerty12, Strutten, thelReason, tournstone, vgasmo, vode, ~phoenix~
59 |
60.82% |
What is "My Nokia"? - Never heard about it...
antezz, Benson, clasificado, craftyguy, edgedemon, esthreel, fantomsingh, flailingmonkey, fpbrooks, hcarrega, Intergalactic Christ, Intrygue83, kingzeus, kwek, Marcels, max_power, morack, mosk33toe, nikigo, pthomas22, roguespy0, skalogre, slartibartfass, testerus, timwatt, vabgeo, Veix, volt, Wadl Beisser, xtian
30 |
30.93% |
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