View Poll Results: How many times do you have to remove the battery on your N900?
Daily 8 3.81%
Every 2 to 3 days 14 6.67%
Weekly 18 8.57%
6sicSIX, acno, adrsuhen, agogo, ahmadamaj, ajjara, Alex Korova, AlMehdi, amebes, Andy69, arcticrobot, Arif, atilla, barrieluv, Bec, bigears5000, bowen, CepiPerez, cfh11, ChadiM, Changegames, chase15, chemist, chrget, cr0c0, cranc, crazy_agent, Creativetone, Cue, cy8aer, CYPHERC, Dante, Dave999, deprecated, Disco Cat, droll, DrWilken, dwaradzyn, egoshin, elbttrd, Elfforkusu, elmonen, eMiL, Erebo, erki232, euanandrews, fatalsaint, Firebird8, fraz, Fredook, gabby131, GameboyRMH, geneven, giannoug, Grok, Guyver, Habmala, HellFlyer, Hmtsjmftsch, holysocks, HugoSon, IINexusII, ikirk, ioan, jedi, jessi3k3, Jezz, jflatt, jmbowman, jmrk, jonchew, kazuki, Kegetys, kmare, koivjann, kureyon, larson, leetut, lingling92, longcat, lunatik, Macros, maemoiv, Maettu, Maharadja, Maj3stic, majesty, marioaguado, Marklar, marxian, MatMat, mece, Megaltariak, Metalfox, mikec, MINKIN2, mjakl, mmurfin87, mobiledivide, Mowgli, mr_ian84, Mr_Ryde, mthmob, myrjola, nax3000, ndi, nephridium, Nick502, nightfire, niklas87, olympus, oved_etzot, pavlik, PdxDoug, pelago, Petteri, phellarv, pinkfloyd, planetf1, prattmic, puiradu, rainmaster, raptoro07, rebelnoob, reviver, rfeese, rfekm, RFS-81, RiD, rizwan, Rob1n, RobbieThe1st, SallyJane, scottprotege, sentri, shadowjk, Silberwoelfin, Simply_Texan, sjgadsby, Smooth-op, Soap77, Spotfist, SR90, submono, sunwong, superpj101, tan, tho, tirtawn, tommiasp, torpedo48, toxaris, traysh, Unexplodable, willi_iam, woody14619, xabaras, xmartx, xrgo, yamakasi, YoDude, yosarian, zair, zillertal, zlatko, zvogt
170 80.95%
Voters: 210.

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