View Poll Results: How does the present and future of tablets look for you?
I own a nokia 770 and will definitely buy the n810. 12 7.10%
I own both the nokia 770 and n800 and will buy the n810. 19 11.24%
I own the n800 and think the os2008 update will be better than having the n810 for $400-550. 113 66.86%
I own none and will buy the n810 12 7.10%
I own none and will buy the n800 and just update to os2008 for $200-300. 8 4.73%
I'm selling all my tablets and walking away for this lost cause called "Internet tablets". 2 1.18%
I'm selling all my tablets and hope a better company picks up this gold mine. 3 1.78%
I've got money in the bank and will buy all nokia's IT's, but would prefer another company. 0 0%
Voters: 169.

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