Forum: Applications
2011-03-09, 18:00
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
It should always appear when fMMS sets up the connection. What version are you running? (App menu -> About)
The reason the decoder seems to be crashing is because the MMSC reports the file size of...
Forum: Applications
2011-02-20, 08:31
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
Thanks for the reports, I've found the problem and sorting it out now, should have a new version out within the hour :)
EDIT: Submitted to autobuilder now
Forum: Applications
2011-02-19, 18:49
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Forum: Applications
2011-02-19, 16:31
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
There should be one, at least in Polite mode.
To start from a clean slate, do the following:
Uninstall fMMS.
Run the following from xterm: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/fmms
Forum: Applications
2010-11-20, 01:05
Replies: 154
Views: 48,628
Re: alternative MMS
Please tell me what kind of file fMMS is currently unable to receive which is NOT filtered by your provider (ie within fMMS control) and I will be happy to make sure it shows up in the UI.
Forum: Applications
2010-11-14, 10:48
Replies: 154
Views: 48,628
Re: alternative MMS
And you still have not been able to point out what it doesnt do yet, except "it doesnt look like Symbian".
Thanks for pointing out the issue with forwarding though, I fixed the regression there...
Forum: Applications
2010-11-14, 05:25
Replies: 154
Views: 48,628
Re: alternative MMS
No, your plan needs to be MMS enabled. No real MMS implementation does it over wi-fi.
Picture SMS is something completely different which fMMS has never said to deliver. Please get your facts...
Forum: Applications
2010-11-14, 05:11
Replies: 154
Views: 48,628
Re: alternative MMS
Well, from my POV it does everything the other ones does except send multiple files in one message - so I recon I need the 'constructive' critisism since you obviously have another view on the whole...
Forum: Applications
2010-11-13, 19:50
Replies: 154
Views: 48,628
Re: alternative MMS
And you actually tried either of these? Hint: they both work ;) The "any file format" is somewhat touchy as this isn't covered by the standard and I have no idea how other phones handles it, but fwiw...
Forum: Applications
2010-11-13, 17:05
Replies: 154
Views: 48,628
Re: alternative MMS
How about suggesting improvements instead of just saying it sucks? I doubt anyone is a mindreader and can guess what kind of functionality you are missing.
Forum: Applications
2010-11-10, 17:08
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
Long tap on the message from the main view and you should be able to delete them, as previous poster said :).
I'd be happy to take any log output from the messages with contacts that won't open,...
Forum: Applications
2010-11-09, 06:28
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
What format/what did you type in the "To" field? your MMSC replied: MMSC RESPONDED: {'Transaction-Id': '43630', 'Response-Text': '4501:Recipient list corrupt', 'MMS-Version': '1.0', 'Message-Type':...
Forum: Applications
2010-11-05, 16:51
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
Please send /tmp/fmms.log to if you havent rebooted your device since, otherwise please send it the next time it happens :)
Regarding everyone having problems after upgrade to...
Forum: Applications
2010-10-27, 18:35
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Forum: Applications
2010-08-30, 20:08
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Forum: Applications
2010-08-30, 19:35
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
Added both to todo-list, thanks for reporting! :)
If you open sender, write a few lines and then goes back and then taps "New MMS" again the lines should appear there. :)
Weird -- not...
Forum: Applications
2010-08-07, 17:20
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
Please for the love of whatever you believe in, take your Nokia complaints somewhere else. This thread IS NOT the place to vent your anger against Nokia. Thank you.
Forum: Applications
2010-08-07, 16:29
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
Thanks for your invaulable input on why MMS does not fit your use case, it really enriched this thread and helped development of this project progress.
Regarding MMS is just an email, I disagree,...
Forum: Applications
2010-08-06, 21:58
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Forum: Community
2010-08-06, 06:29
Replies: 23
Views: 13,139
Forum: Applications
2010-08-04, 06:27
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Forum: Applications
2010-08-02, 17:50
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900 :)
No idea - attach the log please :)
Regarding WAP it's not something I'm going to do as it's huge and ugly ;-)...
Forum: Applications
2010-07-30, 05:11
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
Hmm, seems like python-hildon have added the constructor I'm using recently; what does: dpkg -s python-hildon report?
EDIT: Fixed both issues in fMMS 1.2.2 which I just submitted to autobuilder....
Forum: Applications
2010-07-29, 19:00
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643
Re: [Announce] fMMS - MMS on the N900
Added to the to do list, should be pretty trivial... Hopefully :)
1: It's on the "list", but I think it's non-trivial so might be a while still.
2: If someone supplies a patch for perfect...
Forum: Applications
2010-07-25, 09:13
Replies: 1,031
Views: 549,643