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Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2012-08-28, 14:48
Replies: 28
Views: 9,977
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: A Working Pianobar for maemo 5!!

This is what I used to do.. and pyPianobar was just a front-end for pianobar. It's possible if you got a working pianobar, the old pyPianobar might still work as a front-end.. though it was buggy.
Forum: Multimedia 2012-02-06, 16:22
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

Well that just sucks. That would almost be enough for me to start looking at alternatives to Pandora. Slacker Radio or something. Of course.. none of them offer open API's but might be able to...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-01-26, 22:02
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

Yeah this has been the biggest hurdle from day 1. See, pandora doesn't actually want people to write their own apps to talk to Pandora. They write their own for the markets they want to hit. So...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-01-24, 20:22
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

Pandora is a closed API. They probably have some method of pushing to their official versions for android and iphone updates. And obviously, they probably release updates to their apps before...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-01-24, 16:33
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

What version do you have?

The OUT_OF_SYNC problem means that your N900 time is different than pandora's. Pandora changed they way they did time and was modified in the newer pyRadio's. Make sure...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-01-23, 01:42
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)


check file. Line 33 has self.pandora = None and line 38 has self.pandora = Pandora( self.format, self.protocol_version ).

Go ahead and remove line 33, and put line 38...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-01-22, 18:46
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)


I appologize for being absent. I didn't intend to completely abandon you guys but real life gets in the way sometimes.

Slimjim has requested to be a co-maintainer of the package and I...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-01-07, 04:22
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

Bad news all. I have 'downgraded' my phone to a MyTouch4g Slide. *sigh*

No, I don't think Android is better than Maemo - my N900 was just getting old and running very sluggish as well as just...
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-30, 19:31
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

Make sure you are installing the one from Devel (standard eat your cat disclaimer here). The app in testing and Extras is currently broken. I have promoted devel to testing (didn't realize I never...
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-19, 00:03
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

I hate to sound like windows but have you tried resetting/rebooting the phone? That output seems to imply it's having trouble initiating the MAFW connection or something.
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-19, 00:00
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

You confuse me.. what's wrong with the official 4.7 diablo version in the repo's? Pyradio now automatically downloads and updates the crypto keys and the version number whenever necessary. Why are...
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-17, 05:41
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

The new 4.7 should fix that. You'll have to replace the https again though.
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-16, 22:54
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

4.7 is up. (or, well, its going there..)
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-16, 22:27
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

gawga -
I have an idea what's happening. I'll put out a 4.7 to fix.

cddiede -
The way I've done this you should be able to download the deb from fremantle's repo page and install that one.
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-16, 17:41
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

Yes the code went in on 4.5. I'll need terminal output to debug.

from your output it appears PyRadio is having trouble talking to your proxy:
urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error (110,...
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-15, 06:29
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

I love how you keep saying my app is a beast :p.

Seriously, if you want to move my app to external, you can move /opt/pyRadio to your external card and either symlink it back to /opt or just run...
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-15, 05:53
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

Oh.. submitted two releases.. 4.6 has the fix for the Love/Hate problem.
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-15, 05:18
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

The problem with that is not everyone has an external memory card. Plus, it's not really a python packages job to move the PyQt4 libraries around on the system. That's actually kind of ugly. The...
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-12, 18:42
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

No need.

There is a problem with the authListener call that isn't working right now.

Are you saying it works for you still?
Forum: Multimedia 2011-12-10, 18:26
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

It appears there was another change to the API and likes/dislikes are broken.

I'll work on it as soon as I can.
Forum: Multimedia 2011-11-21, 23:02
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

Lol.. ok well.. a *working* N9 should warrant a smiley face ;)

I don't suppose anybody wants to make me a good qt4 .ui file for the N9 so I can be lazy?? :D:D
Forum: Multimedia 2011-11-18, 17:12
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

That error is because it can't find python-gst0.10. So something went wrong with your install.

Please double check that you have python-central:
apt-get install python-central

And that you...
Forum: Multimedia 2011-11-18, 17:01
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

Not quite.. that particular package (python-gst0.10) is not in the Harmattan repo's so there's no way for pyRadio to pull it down as a dependency. So that one will still need to be installed...
Forum: Multimedia 2011-11-18, 04:49
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

Perfect.. thats why i need you to test before I push it up to maemo repos :D.

Please try again? You da man.
Forum: Multimedia 2011-11-18, 02:53
Replies: 997
Views: 341,559
Posted By fatalsaint
Re: [application] pyRadio (Pandora)

cddiede can you load from that URL again and just make sure it still works?

If it does I'll publish this up to the fremantle repo's and I'll write up some instructions on installing it.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 100

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