Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2011-03-25, 16:43
Replies: 613
Views: 264,079
Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available
Yet another voice in the chorus of "thanks".
I installed Diablo-Turbo on my N810-WiMax about 3 weeks ago. I first upgraded to the community SSU (to both the internal flash and the SD card), then I...
Forum: Applications
2009-04-05, 06:52
Replies: 6
Views: 5,938
Forum: Applications
2009-01-28, 07:15
Replies: 5
Views: 1,911
Forum: General
2009-01-10, 16:45
Replies: 36
Views: 15,200
Forum: General
2008-12-09, 19:18
Replies: 70
Views: 16,040
Re: PIM apps summary
Glad to hear that it works well for you too.
I think that your analysis is absolutely correct. I have the same issue.
Actually, I had the same issue...I recently changed the DIALOGMODE...
Forum: General
2008-12-03, 19:06
Replies: 70
Views: 16,040
Re: PIM apps summary
The ".deb" package of the compiled kdepimpi suite is now available for download ( from the kdepimpi Maemo Garage site. Please...
Forum: General
2008-12-03, 08:41
Replies: 70
Views: 16,040
Re: PIM apps summary
Major Announcement
I've just discovered that the latest version of KDEPIMPI (2.10), compiled for the Open Embedded project, combined with the library (for Zaurus qt3 compatibility)...
Forum: General
2008-11-26, 23:38
Replies: 15
Views: 4,191
Re: PIM Contest
Here are some of the things I want in a PIM:
cross platform (Linux desktop, Linux tablet, Windows desktop, possibly even web accessible) with the ability to intelligently synchronize...
Forum: Applications
2008-06-20, 13:31
Replies: 207
Views: 42,974
Re: Grandcentral Dialer Application
You're welcome.
Details, please.
Um, the program is distributed as source code...there is no compiled program. Look at:
Forum: Applications
2008-06-20, 13:28
Replies: 207
Views: 42,974
Re: Grandcentral Dialer Application
Do you have any evidence of that behavior? Earlier in this thread, I asked someone to check the contents of the file /home/user/.gcdialerhist That file keeps the history of numbers that were dialed. ...
Forum: Applications
2008-06-20, 13:19
Replies: 207
Views: 42,974
Forum: Applications
2008-06-17, 03:08
Replies: 207
Views: 42,974
Forum: Applications
2008-04-23, 15:42
Replies: 5
Views: 3,829
Re: Currency converter
There's this nifty feature on the forum called "search"...if you had searched for "currency", you might have seen the link to the thread called "Announce: Currency Convertor...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-04-22, 05:21
Replies: 2
Views: 4,120
Re: error trying to use ssh-agent
On most *nix systems (unfortunately, not the Nokia Tablet...bad Nokia, bad, bad, bad), there's a program called "man", which allows you to view the manual page for programs. In fact, the...
Forum: Nokia N810
2008-04-09, 07:41
Replies: 15
Views: 7,512
Re: Aluminum cases for N810
I received my case today, and overall I agree with the other positive assessments.
There were two things that I didn't like about it:
there is no access to the USB port
the "kickstand" is...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-04-07, 01:48
Replies: 130
Views: 57,549
Re: HOWTO: Free Landline Calls - Beta
Thanks for your inspiration!
I am pleased to announce the release of Grandcentral_Dialer, a GUI python front-end to simplify placing calls via Grandcentral.
The attached package provides a...
Forum: Applications
2008-04-07, 01:47
Replies: 207
Views: 42,974
Grandcentral Dialer Application
I am pleased to announce the release of Grandcentral_Dialer, a GUI python front-end to simplify placing calls via Grandcentral.
Grandcentral allows you to initiate an outbound phone call for...
Forum: General
2008-03-09, 04:37
Replies: 11
Views: 2,237
Re: add shell program to list or laucher
I'm really thrilled with the Command Navigator app. It installs as a navigator bar icon (in my case, I've replaced the "Contacts" icon by editing /home/user/.osso/hildon-desktop/tasknavigator.conf)....
Forum: Newbie
2008-03-05, 19:45
Replies: 22
Views: 21,988
Re: password manager for 2008 & Win PC
Truecrypt is not a password creates encrypted hard disk (and memory card) partitions...all data stored on those devices will be encrypted.
For a password manager,...
Forum: Applications
2008-03-03, 20:29
Replies: 30
Views: 8,754
Re: Announce: currency convertor
The currency convertor gets it's data from the Yahoo! Finance site, at In theory, it should take as long to download using gcur as it would through a web browser. However, I've...
Forum: Applications
2008-03-03, 18:01
Replies: 30
Views: 8,754
Re: Announce: currency convertor
Yes...did you look at the package?
[1] if the currency values as saved in the data file are more than 30
days old, or if the data file does not exist, the program tries
to download new...
Forum: Applications
2008-03-03, 13:43
Replies: 30
Views: 8,754
Announce: currency convertor
I am pleased to announce the availability of a currency convertor for the "Chinook" Maemo release of the Nokia Internet Tablet. The program "gcur", originally by Pierre-Paul Lavoie, has gotten some...
Forum: Applications
2008-02-11, 03:19
Replies: 22
Views: 8,233
Forum: Nokia N800
2008-02-10, 05:29
Replies: 31
Views: 12,610
qstardict now available for OS2008
I've ported qstartdict to OS2008 (it needed only minimal changes), and it runs fine on my N810.
I'll be glad to make the binary available on request.
I need your help in finding someone willing...
Forum: Troubleshooting
2008-02-02, 08:05
Replies: 15
Views: 13,442
how to troubleshoot boot sequence?
I'm running the latest version of OS2008 on my N810, and having consistent problems booting from the internal mmc card.
The boot process hangs at the "Nokia" splash screen--the progress bar fills...