Forum: Community
2016-12-13, 19:08
Replies: 33
Views: 53,760
Re: RIP Win7Mac... :(
I can't believe it. That's very very bad news.
I have no words. Condolences for his family and friends.
We will miss you Gido
Forum: Applications
2016-01-31, 22:01
Replies: 1,562
Views: 452,912
Forum: Applications
2016-01-31, 21:18
Replies: 1,562
Views: 452,912
Forum: Applications
2016-01-27, 00:49
Replies: 992
Views: 459,208
Forum: General
2016-01-19, 21:38
Replies: 121
Views: 36,669
Re: [Fundraising] CepiPerez
Just some pints from my side:
- I don't use bluetooth, never.
- I use GPS, but not in jolla (it doesn't support 3g here, so it's useless)
- I use some androir app, but I can live without them
Forum: General
2016-01-19, 18:57
Replies: 121
Views: 36,669
Re: [Fundraising] CepiPerez
Customs here returns the package 30 days after receiving if nobody gets it.
I have a question:
I can buy a Jolla here for USD 200, but some friend offers me a Nexus 5 for USD 300. Specs are...
Forum: General
2016-01-13, 11:33
Replies: 121
Views: 36,669
Re: [Fundraising] CepiPerez
I have no words to thank all you guys for the help.
You're the only positive thing when everything here seems to go worst each day.
Guess I need to think about some new apps when I get...
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-01-10, 02:08
Replies: 106
Views: 33,086
Re: Good bye Sailfish
I don't need a new PC, just motherboard, micro and ram. My broken one is too old and I can't change only one part. I can buy it here, but my salary sucks and can't afford it. Also getting a phone is...
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-12-23, 15:32
Replies: 106
Views: 33,086
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-12-16, 01:37
Replies: 106
Views: 33,086
Re: Good bye Sailfish
Ramos Mejia, Prov. Bs. As. (viajo en el sarmiento)
I don't have my n9. I gave it to my mother, then she helps me fixing my car, so I can't ask her for it.
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-12-15, 23:01
Replies: 106
Views: 33,086
Re: Good bye Sailfish
Well... it's installed in the phone. Now I need to wait for the thief to enable wifi (or mobile) connection.
Anyways, this guy is probably from some place where I can't go to get it back. The train...
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-12-15, 22:10
Replies: 106
Views: 33,086
Good bye Sailfish
Just want to say thanks to all users that supported me all these years.
My phone was stolen again and I'm not planning buy another one since there's no more support from Jolla.
It was a nice time,...
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-12-01, 19:12
Replies: 27
Views: 8,432
Forum: Buy & Sell
2015-12-01, 18:34
Replies: 3
Views: 3,074
Re: Jolla Phone for Sale in Latin America
I thought I was the only one in Argentina using a Jolla device...
Where are your from? Did you manage to make it work using 4g?
Someone reported it's working for Personal, I'm wondering who...
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-11-26, 13:40
Replies: 27
Views: 8,432
Re: Sailfish next update, when?
That means nothing!
I don't think there will be another update from Jolla and probably people here will start a community project for this.
If it happens, whoever wants to start this project, count...
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-11-26, 12:32
Replies: 27
Views: 8,432
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-10-25, 21:48
Replies: 49
Views: 41,445
Re: [WIP] Slumber – Sleep Timer for SailfishOS
Add this to your globals.qml file:
on top of page:
import org.nemomobile.mpris 1.0
Insde main Rectangle component:
MprisManager { id: mprisManager }
then when timer is triggered add this:...
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-10-25, 04:13
Replies: 49
Views: 41,445
Forum: Community
2015-10-21, 01:32
Replies: 73
Views: 27,516
Forum: Applications
2015-10-18, 03:07
Replies: 1,562
Views: 452,912
Forum: Applications
2015-10-15, 23:49
Replies: 992
Views: 459,208
Forum: Applications
2015-10-15, 11:30
Replies: 992
Views: 459,208
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2015-10-10, 17:29
Replies: 1,347
Views: 564,950
Re: Whatsup - Harmattan client
The only problem I see is you're getting notifications and whatsup doesn't send a response, then server closes connection.
There's two things you can do about this:
1- Keep trying to connect....
Forum: Applications
2015-10-02, 14:42
Replies: 66
Views: 27,808
Re: FlowPlayer for Sailfish OS
I've removed my db file and did a rescan.
It's working fine here.
Please use terminal, you can check in there what's happening.
Forum: Applications
2015-10-01, 16:16
Replies: 66
Views: 27,808