Forum: Applications
2011-03-07, 08:02
Replies: 65
Views: 13,625
Re: Opera vs microb
I think Opera is better. But I still use microb for some stuff. How much it zooms depends on the web page. Just use the zoom button to adjust the zooming (the volume button).
Forum: General
2011-03-04, 08:28
Replies: 79
Views: 16,261
Re: How important is your stylus to you?
I depend on the stylus. I use a nail for simple tasks like turning on wi-fi if I'm one-handed for some reason. But that's an exception.
Slobbing fat fingers all over the screen is disgusting to...
Forum: General
2011-03-02, 12:15
Replies: 7
Views: 7,832
Re: Reading an .so file..
You can however check the .so file for interesting paths used by the code.
Simply run 'strings' and look for interesting stuff.
I just did, and found this:
So I would...
Forum: Nokia 770
2011-02-28, 17:03
Replies: 3
Views: 10,420
Forum: Nokia N900
2011-02-18, 11:50
Replies: 2
Views: 4,021
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2011-02-14, 10:00
Replies: 33
Views: 10,486
Re: I knew Meego would fail when...
.. when Meego was announced. Because it represented yet another (and even larger) turn of direction. Nothing can come out of a plan with no firm direction, you won't be able to hold on to developers...
Forum: General
2011-02-11, 10:15
Replies: 30
Views: 10,813
Re: Goodbye MeeGo; We hardly knew ye
That's what I thought too (N900: For techy types). But then one day I saw a teenager girl using a N900 on the bus.. she seemed utterly comfortable with doing whatever it was that she did. Keyboard...
Forum: General
2011-02-11, 10:08
Replies: 6
Views: 5,225
Forum: Nokia N900
2011-02-08, 11:39
Replies: 9
Views: 6,732
Re: Using the GSM as a normal modem?
A typo there, you meant 19200, not 192000.. I remember being able to run at 19200 occasionally, but yes, most of the time it was down to 9600 bps. Could still do some useful work over that link...
Forum: Applications
2010-04-26, 16:40
Replies: 68
Views: 31,861
Re: Free Sygic for N900 users?
If the street isn't there then it's the fault of the maps, not Sygic. No nav application is better than the maps. And the maps are provided by TeleAtlas or Navteq, and they have the same content for...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-04-26, 08:38
Replies: 14
Views: 25,625
Re: Does power saving mode affect WiFi speed?
100mW lets the access point see a better signal, thus it's much more likely to negotiate full speed (instead of half/quarter/one eight, as it quickly does if the signal isn't good). High speed =...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2010-04-26, 08:33
Replies: 7
Views: 9,711
Forum: Games
2010-04-22, 10:15
Replies: 11
Views: 5,747
Re: pandora OS ported to n900?
I'm sure it could be done relatively easily. But the Pandora OS has support for all the extra keys (buttons and pads and corner keys and nubs and whatnot) which the N900 doesn't have. So it'll be...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-04-20, 15:12
Replies: 134
Views: 46,133
Re: Say NO! to Qt-based Maemo!
I'm fine as long as there's both GTK and Qt options. Among others. I prefer to write in C or Vala, but I see nothing wrong with hacking occasionally on C++ and Qt (got to learn it bit by bit), and...
Forum: Accessories
2010-04-18, 16:04
Replies: 52
Views: 15,192
Re: SanDisk now shipping a 32GB microSDHC card
Er, Kingston doesn't produce anything themselves. They re-brand cards made by the 3 or 4 real vendors, just like almost every other seller. Sandisk, Toshiba, Panasonic, and, apparently, Micron, make...
Forum: Applications
2010-04-17, 14:48
Replies: 242
Views: 125,636
Re: Sygic Mobile maps for Maemo [problems]
No, it's free. It's just a small updated version.
Well, I obviously slow down when I hear '200 meters'. Actually it'll warn a bit earlier when I go fast (IIRC - I used it a lot last year, not...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-04-09, 13:09
Replies: 154
Views: 101,433
Re: Is changing IMEI possible?
Are you seriously saying that you think it's OK to use stolen equipment?
You may have misunderstood how to use the police force. Hint: Tell them about the fence. You can legally claim your money...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-04-08, 15:57
Replies: 154
Views: 101,433
Re: Is changing IMEI possible?
masterx: If you buy an imei-blocked phone, then it's stolen (as you're basically saying yourself). Why on earth would you then think it's ok to _use_ the phone, by spoofing the imei? It's exactly...
Forum: Community
2010-03-31, 14:16
Replies: 50
Views: 22,662
Forum: Community
2010-03-31, 14:11
Replies: 50
Views: 22,662
Forum: Community
2010-03-31, 14:09
Replies: 50
Views: 22,662
Re: On the distribution of copyrighted material
I don't see why a discussion is even necessary.
1) Emulators are fine.
2) Copyrighted material (ROMs): Only copyright holders can give you permission to use it. That's the law. So, ROMs are not...
Forum: Applications
2010-03-29, 17:22
Replies: 1,374
Views: 502,556
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-03-24, 13:52
Replies: 26
Views: 5,059
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-03-24, 13:14
Replies: 26
Views: 5,059
Forum: Applications
2010-03-20, 16:26
Replies: 1,374
Views: 502,556