Forum: General
2016-08-16, 17:16
Replies: 23
Views: 9,280
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-04-28, 20:32
Replies: 98
Views: 39,991
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-02-26, 22:18
Replies: 799
Views: 291,678
Re: Sailfish on Turing Phones?
More good news. Now lassila confirms something. Sorry. Finnish
I don't have a drone :D that would be so nice if i have...
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-02-26, 20:58
Replies: 799
Views: 291,678
Re: Sailfish on Turing Phones?
Haha :D. I am sorry but there is nothing to see yet.. i will look some more when i drive there again. Only rotten Microsoft logo up there..
Some lights is on here and there, but like i say.....
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-02-26, 17:30
Replies: 799
Views: 291,678
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-02-03, 21:37
Replies: 799
Views: 291,678
Re: Sailfish on Turing Phones?
Sailfish OS 2.0
Turing Æmæth UI
So they can make some mods?. I think that is going to be on right from the home screen.
I like it! So racing and tough build :cool: I want...
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-09-07, 18:54
Replies: 670
Views: 145,968
Re: First thoughts about the (pre) Sailfish OS 2.0
I like SailfishOS 2.0 MUCH! Looks and feels so smooth and way easier. Now you can open apps very fast, because you can always swipe from bottom and it stays on top. Now it feels multitasking phone......
Forum: Off Topic
2015-07-25, 11:26
Replies: 6,148
Views: 1,334,547
Forum: Applications
2015-07-02, 16:03
Replies: 992
Views: 459,210
Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Whatsup on Jolla
Should someone but more effort to the Jollagram? I started to hate Whatsupp very much (not banned yet ;) )
I hold on with the Whatsupp until they ban me!...
Forum: Applications
2015-06-26, 06:33
Replies: 992
Views: 459,210
Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Whatsup on Jolla
Hope, they do not start ban us again...
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-06-16, 14:25
Replies: 173
Views: 42,279
Re: Upgrade 15.5 Discussions
My opinions:
+ Update went ok (first time get some new error message, with [OK] button and have to reboot, but after that)
+ Everything feels solid
+ I can turn on wlan and 3G same time
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-05-07, 20:03
Replies: 173
Views: 42,279
Re: Sailfish 2.0 Upgrade 14 Discussions
SailfishOS 2.0 look so nice, but hope they make browser ready! It is one most used app on the phone.
I will ask only 2 thinks.
1 real tabs! Not only 3 tabs!!!!!!!!!! Even the WP can do it!
Forum: Jolla Tablet
2015-01-30, 04:46
Replies: 490
Views: 132,821
Re: Jolla Tablet
And you can't plug them both in the PC? Then you can use both and copy + paste all day long. You can upgrade Jolla tablet to 64GB so you do not need card on that (i think)
AAND you can transfers...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-01-10, 20:55
Replies: 39
Views: 25,514
Re: Is it worth to buy an N9 in 2015?
No, no support, dead, too slow, no active store anymore.
Jolla or some android device, if you like one (i would buy Huawei or Nexus 4 ->). If you do not want to know anything, just use and like...
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-12-21, 10:58
Replies: 450
Views: 99,192
Re: SailfishOS Update10 discussions
I don't know, but i love U10 :). No lags or RAM issues. Browser is like newer before, now we only need a copy + paste from pages. Maybe text editing should be such easy than inside SailfishOS? i like...
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-12-16, 20:48
Replies: 450
Views: 99,192
Forum: The Other Half
2014-11-25, 13:01
Replies: 1,813
Views: 601,049
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-11-23, 17:59
Replies: 59
Views: 26,311
Re: Help coderus develop for SailfishOS
Yep, but i think, Jolla should hire Coderus. Even he is kind of cheeky sometimes :D. He is very talented and helpful.
@Coderus, did you send your open CV to Jolla? I think you should! I think they...
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-10-26, 13:09
Replies: 3,443
Views: 1,079,770
Re: Jolla User Experience Thread
I think, that is not good idea.. it can eat battery very fast and ram. But if not, then i like it too :)
Sailfish 1.1.39 testing...
I love it!. had to reset my phone, but OS is much smoother...
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-10-07, 08:39
Replies: 515
Views: 112,633
Forum: The Other Half
2014-09-08, 05:18
Replies: 178
Views: 69,650
Re: SolarJolla
Does it come in black? :)
Forum: Applications
2014-07-25, 21:44
Replies: 1,998
Views: 561,916
Forum: General
2014-07-19, 20:17
Replies: 8
Views: 4,977
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-06-20, 13:08
Replies: 97
Views: 28,737
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-06-10, 00:28
Replies: 168
Views: 40,245
Re: is here !
Very solid update! Now i can see even day when i woke my Jolla!
Kiitos Jolla! Nyt voin suositella puhelinta lähes kelle vain!