Forum: Nokia N900
2010-06-17, 12:49
Replies: 12
Views: 3,658
Re: The alarm works whilst powered off! How?
That's pretty much it. The tablets have had this feature since the N800 days. Basically what happens is when you schedule an alarm with AlarmD, it registers the timing of the event with the realtime...
Forum: Development
2010-06-07, 20:52
Replies: 659
Views: 219,880
Forum: Development
2010-05-31, 23:07
Replies: 659
Views: 219,880
Forum: Applications
2010-05-24, 17:03
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
Just wanted to give everyone an update... Spenc3 and I are still working on this app, we've both just been sidetracked for the last few weeks as we've each been on vacation and busy with day...
Forum: Development
2010-05-21, 13:15
Replies: 659
Views: 219,880
Forum: Applications
2010-04-14, 14:01
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
This is a known bug, and Insomniac mode SHOULD NOT be used on N900s right now. If you guys run into anything else, please be sure to file a bug in the bugtracker so that we can keep on top of things....
Forum: Applications
2010-04-14, 13:42
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
We're still hacking away at the FM radio for the N900 (what a pain that is! anyways we're making progress at least...). In the mean time:
I agree the methodology of "changing screens" is a bit...
Forum: Development
2010-03-05, 13:57
Replies: 2
Views: 3,716
Re: N900 Microphone, monitor volume...
In short, no you're not going to have a simple way of doing it... nowhere near as simple as sysfs... audio just does not work that way in Linux (or anywhere in general it seems). I looked into this a...
Forum: Applications
2010-03-03, 21:22
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
No the only reason you've got a "random alarm" is that at some point Flip lost track of the alarm so there is no way to disable it from within the app anymore. This happened with older versions of...
Forum: Applications
2010-03-03, 18:02
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
raverpol: The FM radio setting should not even be displayed for the N900 as it is not supported yet. I did not get a chance to check the coding for this to make sure it would not be there though so...
Forum: Applications
2010-03-02, 18:47
Replies: 12
Views: 7,669
Re: [Request] PHP-CGI
I've been trying to package it up for a while now (since I got Lighttpd working and in extras!), but I keep getting package/compile problems... I'm getting close though. The problem is PHP is so big...
Forum: General
2010-03-01, 21:15
Replies: 62
Views: 17,696
Re: What's your Maemo device's killer app?
Flipclock... sure I'm biased, but then, I didn't start it I just kind of took over development ;-) Objectively though... it lets me use my old N800 as a FULLY FUNCTIONAL beside alarm clock.
And of...
Forum: Applications
2010-03-01, 20:43
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
Excellent! no problem it was a little thing that I'd just never thought about. Those fixes are in the SVN, so rather than creating another release just for them I'll leave it as is and they'll get...
Forum: Applications
2010-03-01, 18:54
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
As pointed out earlier dpkg -L flipclock is your friend here. It should be under /usr/bin, but file paths got a bit mixed up during packaging so it might have ended up in /usr/local/bin in one...
Forum: Applications
2010-02-26, 19:55
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
You can grab it from the garage page. See Post #1 in this thread. It's up to date and tells you how to manually install.
Forum: Applications
2010-02-25, 21:54
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
Okay guys, 0.9.7-7 is the one you want... it's in extras-devel for both Diablo and Fremantle... Spenc3 and I have been testing it all afternoon and it's definitely working and installing properly......
Forum: Applications
2010-02-25, 19:15
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
Arrg! Everyone's posting faster than I can read/reply here! Let Spenc and I get this sorted then we'll let you all know to update again!
Forum: Applications
2010-02-25, 19:13
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
You can do the update through the software manager, no problem. Just make sure that the updated package version is 0.9.7-6... if it only says 0.9.7-5, refresh your application list in the software...
Forum: Applications
2010-02-25, 18:37
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
OKay guys jeepers you have to be a bit patient with us here! Spenc has been beating me up to get on packaging up his latest revisions and since the SVN got a major re-organization it's been a bit of...
Forum: Applications
2010-02-24, 18:20
Replies: 312
Views: 190,478
Re: Carman for Maemo 5?
If I get some time today I'll try doing a maemo5 build,. though I don't have an N900 to test on. I've also let my buddy know as he's an awesome developer and was asking about OBDII stuff the other...
Forum: General
2010-02-24, 14:59
Replies: 19
Views: 4,732
Re: Nokia Demos new transfer tech
It's right there in the text below the video:
"this new radio tech forms a short-range connection between the writer and the device, and doesn’t use any other radio networks – the writer is...
Forum: Applications
2010-02-22, 14:52
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
Thanks for the details on how to reproduce that, it really is a very difficult/tricky thing to come up with as it only happens if the preferences file doesn't exist when you first launch flip. i.e....
Forum: Applications
2010-02-18, 14:52
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
That would explain things, I've had problems when testing before if I had alarms set on earlier versions and manually upgraded the package... anyways hopefully all sorted now! if you run into odd...
Forum: Applications
2010-02-16, 22:15
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
Messing with fonts can cause all kinds of strange display issues as font character sizes/etc might not be the same for the layout. The font that's used for the themes was a standard Nokia TTF one...
Forum: Applications
2010-02-12, 20:59
Replies: 538
Views: 126,173
Re: FlipClock Beta
OKay I think I've got the repositories thing sorted out now! Turns out I had one goof up that was causing all of the problems... seems to be my story of late with things! (Capital O instead of lower...