Forum: SailfishOS
2018-09-17, 09:30
Replies: 378
Views: 129,613
Forum: SailfishOS
2017-06-25, 15:16
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,734
Forum: SailfishOS
2017-06-25, 14:45
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,734
Forum: SailfishOS
2017-06-25, 14:23
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,734
Forum: Community
2017-04-17, 13:58
Replies: 317
Views: 169,359
Forum: Community
2016-12-17, 06:24
Replies: 33
Views: 53,760
Re: RIP Win7Mac... :(
I am shocked & saddened to hear of this news...
I always found it simple to work with Win7Mac, rarely any acidity in his manner of being.
I never met him face-to-face, but from our online...
Forum: Community
2016-10-29, 04:22
Replies: 32
Views: 25,975
Re: [Council] Coding Competition 2016
Had some requests to merge or something, doesn't make sense to me;
But now that we have links to all active elements of this project in joerg_rw's post...
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-10-08, 15:15
Replies: 36
Views: 6,579
Re: No flashlight option for video recorder
I will leave all as is, the OP has just PM'd me to explain things further, & I've just read all the posts since my last post;
Please do try to be respectful of one another folks, & remember the...
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-10-08, 05:26
Replies: 36
Views: 6,579
Re: No flashlight option for video recorder
I don't get it, I got 2 reports for the OP, including one by OP to delete his OP.
But that will remove the entire thread, what do you guys want me to do?
Please PM me, I'm not following this...
Forum: JollaC & Intex Aqua Fish
2016-09-10, 16:16
Replies: 92
Views: 48,116
Re: [Intex][LTE] European LTE bands on Intex
Had some reports requesting that a reminder be placed, just a reminder folks, this is an English forum;
No offence to those for whom English isn't your primary language, but the...
Forum: Android
2016-08-08, 15:12
Replies: 31
Views: 33,321
Re: QuadRooter: New Android Vulnerabilities
Had some complaints....
Keep it on-topic Dan, be respectful of the intent/focus of peoples threads.
Consider this your first & last non-infraction warning...
Not following this thread & most...
Forum: Alternatives
2016-07-04, 14:35
Replies: 2
Views: 6,728
Re: Huawei's Kirin OS
Thread is here...
Closing this duplicate reported by users.
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-06-19, 10:00
Replies: 289
Views: 111,508
Forum: Off Topic
2016-06-07, 17:50
Replies: 65
Views: 16,346
Re: Jolla Tablet: Refund Round 2
Presumably they will very soon, if they don't ever do so, well, this thread can be locked, or go into OT for folks to do whatever they want.
Forum: Off Topic
2016-06-07, 15:31
Replies: 65
Views: 16,346
Re: Jolla Tablet: Refund Round 2
The original thread is alive & well, for those who want to continue what that had devolved into:
The focus of this thread is very...
Forum: Off Topic
2016-06-07, 13:11
Replies: 65
Views: 16,346
Forum: Off Topic
2016-06-07, 13:04
Replies: 65
Views: 16,346
Forum: JollaC & Intex Aqua Fish
2016-06-03, 11:09
Replies: 1,066
Views: 372,235
Re: Jolla C
I already said if I get 1 or more well-reasoned reports I'll move it, I have no idea if it's OT now or not, you guys have to explain to me why, I don't follow every thread religiously. As for this...
Forum: Off Topic
2016-05-29, 03:44
Replies: 6,148
Views: 1,334,534
Re: The Future of Jolla's Tablet
Keep it on-topic folks, ensure you're not Trolling/Insulting/Personally_Attacking etc, but instead genuinely trying to engage in a intelligent/respectful/tolerant discourse.
If you're persistently...
Forum: Off Topic
2016-01-15, 02:50
Replies: 6,148
Views: 1,334,534
Forum: Off Topic
2016-01-09, 05:03
Replies: 6,148
Views: 1,334,534
Re: The Future of Jolla's Tablet
Hey folks, have deleted some posts reported by multiple people, & some that quoted deleted posts or were getting way too OT, please try to keep remotely OT & less personal.
Not following this...
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-10-04, 03:56
Replies: 838
Views: 364,444
Re: SailfishOS on Nexus 5
Fair enough...
You just never know the things that may get missed by them, extra eyes observing issues & reporting them where they're likely to be read -could be helpful.
But doing so here...
Forum: FirefoxOS
2015-10-03, 15:39
Replies: 104
Views: 108,726
Re: Firefox OS thread
Hopefully there's folks advocating that to them*, but if anyone else gets a look in, it's more likely to be Ubuntu -sadly.
*& collaborating/helping where necessary
Forum: Off Topic
2015-09-09, 05:41
Replies: 6,148
Views: 1,334,534
Forum: Off Topic
2015-09-08, 19:51
Replies: 179
Views: 75,277