Forum: Off Topic
2012-06-15, 15:59
Replies: 429
Views: 156,417
Re: Sad news; Nokia apparently killed Meltemi
Qt will survive as long as KDE has a significant user base. Nokia will survive as either a division or puppet of M$. But RIM is already toast, another Palm.
Registered Linux user #266531. ...
Forum: Competitors
2011-11-04, 13:06
Replies: 4,676
Views: 1,362,394
Re: The Epic Android Thread
Although better, the openess of Maemo is also questionable. That is, in both cases they are open except for some parts that aren't.
For now at least, Android is the 'most open' mobile OS I can...
Forum: Competitors
2011-10-28, 15:33
Replies: 4,676
Views: 1,362,394
Re: The Epic Android Thread
Not counting tablets, to me the top Android units available or about to be released and key differences are (in no particular order):
1. Nexus - Vanilla ICS 4.0 but no removable storage.
Forum: Alternatives
2011-10-07, 13:27
Replies: 255
Views: 146,626
Forum: Alternatives
2011-10-07, 01:12
Replies: 255
Views: 146,626
Forum: Alternatives
2011-10-06, 21:47
Replies: 255
Views: 146,626
Forum: Alternatives
2011-10-06, 21:15
Replies: 255
Views: 146,626
Forum: Alternatives
2011-09-29, 15:56
Replies: 255
Views: 146,626
Forum: Alternatives
2011-09-17, 16:44
Replies: 21
Views: 8,405
Re: Windows 8 & WinPhone - how to counterstrike?
The desktop already is and will continue to be a place for 'apps'. Most people install lotsa apps on their computers, just not from 'app stores' like they do their mobile devices. That's gonna...
Forum: Alternatives
2011-09-17, 15:52
Replies: 21
Views: 8,405
Re: Windows 8 & WinPhone - how to counterstrike?
Metro UI can be turned off, reverting to what is basically a Win7 UI unless you open a Metro app. Metro apps always run in the Metro UI. At least that's my understanding.
Of course they want...
Forum: Competitors
2011-08-18, 21:54
Replies: 65
Views: 19,419
Re: HP says bye bye to WEebOS hardware
Unfortunately, even though it practically eliminates a direct competitor, it's probably bad. May scare off potential MeeGo investors because it demonstrates how tough and what a serious an...
Forum: General
2011-08-17, 19:57
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Forum: General
2011-08-17, 15:51
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Forum: General
2011-08-17, 15:17
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Forum: General
2011-08-17, 12:57
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Forum: General
2011-08-16, 15:04
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Forum: General
2011-08-16, 12:36
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Forum: General
2011-08-16, 11:48
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Forum: Community
2011-08-16, 00:22
Replies: 371
Views: 107,461
Re: The End is Coming: What do we do next?
I reluctantly went back to Android for daily use long ago, but still find hanging out here like no place else. Still whip out the N900 now and then to try new stuff.
But as with all tech devices...
Forum: General
2011-08-15, 20:16
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Forum: General
2011-08-15, 18:03
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Forum: General
2011-08-15, 15:54
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Forum: General
2011-08-15, 13:26
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Forum: General
2011-08-15, 12:38
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Google buying Motorola - now will MS buy Nokia?
Just curious if you think the Google/Motorola deal will put pressure on Microsoft to actually buy Nokia instead of just controlling it.