Showing results 1 to 8 of 8 @ 0.00 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: heelio
Forum: Buy & Sell 2014-07-12, 03:12
Replies: 12
Views: 6,154
Posted By heelio
Re: [For Sale] N900 --- $100 obo

Do you still have this? Can you send the paypal link to my email?
Forum: Applications 2009-06-09, 23:31
Replies: 1,375
Views: 350,975
Posted By heelio
Re: Tear 0.3.1 - a would be beta WebKit based browser

It must be, though I've noticed no other odd behavior (as noted, microb loads it correctly). I was recently at another hospital which filtered out most everthing ala Myspace, chat boards etc, and the...
Forum: Applications 2009-03-31, 03:31
Replies: 1,037
Views: 222,020
Posted By heelio
Re: Tear 0.3 - Simple WebKit browser, now with Dashboard

Yay. That build loads Gmail! Progress!

I am afraid I must report that the other Gmail error (which I will describe) still exists however...
Whenever I attempt to delete a message, at the very top...
Forum: Applications 2009-03-28, 20:52
Replies: 1,037
Views: 222,020
Posted By heelio
Re: Tear 0.3 - Simple WebKit browser, now with Dashboard

I must report that Tear crashes every time I access Gmail now.
Forum: Applications 2009-03-19, 04:40
Replies: 1,037
Views: 222,020
Posted By heelio
Re: Tear 0.3 - Simple WebKit browser, now with Dashboard

I have also noticed a (minor?) problem when saving a file whose name has spaces in it. It seems to want to display the ascii value of the space character rather than the space itself (I think it's...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo 2008-11-03, 00:16
Replies: 65
Views: 34,383
Posted By heelio
Re: Gparted - Hacked from Debian for 2008 OS

I'm gonna sign off here with a note to penguinbait - thanks for hanging around helping. Finally I re-flashed my tablet, and ran the thing twice and it works like it was supposed to. Very impressive....
Forum: Nokia N800 2008-10-26, 03:20
Replies: 4
Views: 1,875
Posted By heelio
Re: doable dual boot?

So am I correct in that I have to have 3 partitions present on the 2 gig card to be able to boot 2 linux type partitions? One has to be a FAT partition (I assume can be very small)?

What would /...
Forum: Accessories 2008-10-01, 05:22
Replies: 86
Views: 26,285
Posted By heelio
Re: N800 Stylus replacement

Just FYI I lost one stylus the other day so I set out in search of a suitable (usable) substitute. I visited an arts and crafts store. I found they had some cheap wooden rods that should be workable...
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8

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