Forum: Applications
2014-12-23, 15:29
Replies: 47
Views: 31,163
Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
Thanks for the kind words :).
I don't accept donations as I've started the projects just for fun and want to keep them that way. Mostly I've done them because I need the applications myself and...
Forum: Applications
2014-12-23, 12:24
Replies: 12
Views: 8,516
Forum: Applications
2014-12-21, 19:11
Replies: 12
Views: 8,516
Re: Daedalus Musicplayer
What do you mean by this? Do you mean the statusbar at the bottom? It shows the title if you play? Whats wrong with that?
Forum: Applications
2014-12-20, 16:54
Replies: 12
Views: 8,516
Re: Daedalus Musicplayer
Yes, but this is a lot more work than using the sparql database. At least if you want to show the tags of the files. So this is a goal for the long run
Forum: Applications
2014-12-17, 18:38
Replies: 12
Views: 8,516
Re: Daedalus Musicplayer
Can you please try this version with pebble:
Forum: Applications
2014-12-17, 14:20
Replies: 12
Views: 8,516
Re: Daedalus Musicplayer
Ok, I try it as soon as possible. But than I have to create two versions probably. Or is this stuff allowed in harbour? Really don't want to ship more libraries.
Forum: Applications
2014-12-17, 13:50
Replies: 12
Views: 8,516
Forum: Applications
2014-12-16, 23:50
Replies: 12
Views: 8,516
Daedalus Musicplayer
Daedalus Musicplayer
is an flexible musicplayer for SailfishOS. It is based on the versatile gui of the MPDclient SMPC.
Browse albums
Browse artists
Browse all tracks
Forum: Applications
2014-12-07, 19:51
Replies: 47
Views: 31,163
Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
No this is not the reason. I compiled 1.1.9 for the new opt-in sailfish. I've no idea if these files are compatible with the old version of Qt/Sailfish. If you want I can upload the 1.1.9 version...
Forum: Applications
2014-12-04, 23:48
Replies: 47
Views: 31,163
Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
Just an short update. I'm nearly done and also setup a small webpage for the upcoming musicplayer. I think the absolut worstcase of release date will probably be around christmas.
Forum: Applications
2014-11-28, 22:16
Replies: 47
Views: 31,163
Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
I just want to let you know, that i'm currently writing an local musicplayer with most of SMPCs gui. At the moment I cannot promise a release date but I can promise it will come.
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-08-28, 20:14
Replies: 331
Views: 161,488
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-08-28, 17:03
Replies: 331
Views: 161,488
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-08-28, 11:48
Replies: 331
Views: 161,488
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-08-28, 11:21
Replies: 331
Views: 161,488
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-08-28, 08:31
Replies: 331
Views: 161,488
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-08-28, 08:08
Replies: 331
Views: 161,488
Forum: Applications
2014-08-26, 20:45
Replies: 47
Views: 31,163
Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
can you try this version: here ( with mopidy please?
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-03-31, 09:09
Replies: 331
Views: 161,488
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-03-28, 19:56
Replies: 46
Views: 23,316
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-03-17, 22:04
Replies: 714
Views: 184,973
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-03-17, 21:18
Replies: 714
Views: 184,973
Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)
I liked the old look better. Think it was more consistent. The highlight of new covers looks strange for example. Also the ambient color calculation was better before. My favorite picture which was...
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-03-10, 18:18
Replies: 46
Views: 23,316
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-01-31, 12:40
Replies: 125
Views: 34,410
Re: Jolla device in a boot loop
Unlocked bootloader would help, because you can boot your own recovery image and have access to the raw filesystem with a busybox shell. You can revert the changes which brick your device. Also you...
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-01-28, 09:12
Replies: 125
Views: 34,410