Forum: SailfishOS
2019-06-27, 16:12
Replies: 7
Views: 2,307
Re: Xperia XA2 plus charging problem
Sailfish OS has some issues with chargers supporting/using Quick Charge on the Xperia XA2:
Forum: SailfishOS
2019-04-11, 21:25
Replies: 79
Views: 15,431
Re: Sailfish 3.0.2 Oulanka
Delete the downloads.json file as mentioned here: (
Forum: SailfishOS
2019-01-07, 18:51
Replies: 86
Views: 18,803
Re: SailfishOS Sipoonkorpi
With Sailfish OS 3.0.0 Jolla switched from naming the versions after finnish lakes and rivers to finnish national parks, as mentioned in their blog post ( :)
Forum: Competitors
2018-12-16, 13:03
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,793
Re: Are you Ready? Fx HW Keyboard Phone
I highly appreciate the decision to an AMOLED screen.
If the device will also get an official Sailfish OS port, then I am constrained to purchase it to fulfill my dream of owning a N950-alike...
Forum: SailfishOS
2018-11-08, 14:12
Replies: 32
Views: 8,792
Re: Sailfish 3 event in Helsinki
Here is the link to the livestream starting at 5:30 PM UTC+02:
They updated the link:
Forum: SailfishOS
2018-06-03, 08:52
Replies: 176
Views: 46,849
Re: 2.2.0 EA / Mouhijoki
Well on my Jolla1 this apparently is not working and it seems that the music is still muted to play a system tone.
Do you still hear the music quitly while a system tone is played now?
Forum: SailfishOS
2018-03-04, 22:46
Replies: 209
Views: 56,013
Re: 2.1.4 EA / Lapuanjoki
As mentioned here on TJC ( do the following to solve it:
1. Delete the file...
Forum: SailfishOS
2017-09-27, 16:19
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,748
Forum: General
2017-08-25, 11:28
Replies: 1,154
Views: 296,862
Re: The new QWERTY device project
Yes Chen already confirmed a QWERTZ version here ( :)
BTW here is the post with the picture/mockup of the phone with open slider: TMO...
Forum: Turing Phone
2017-08-11, 22:41
Replies: 19
Views: 20,764
Re: Turing Phone Appassionato now With "Sir Alan"
Just to bring this thread on topic again :D :
The new twitter account ( of TRI is somewhat acitve and is promoting their AI 'Sir Alan' since a few months now.
Forum: General
2017-08-02, 12:18
Replies: 1,154
Views: 296,862
Re: The new QWERTY device project
Damn this really looks awesome.
I really like the N950/Lauta style because the candybar-styled phone is transformable into a keyboard device but still looks like a normal touch-enabled smartphone...
Forum: Jolla Tablet
2017-07-13, 17:21
Replies: 1,396
Views: 419,594
Re: [Live] Youyota 2-in-1 Tablet
You will find some more information about the battery issue at TJC here ( and here...
Forum: SailfishOS
2017-07-12, 10:51
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,748
Forum: Jolla Tablet
2017-07-10, 10:58
Replies: 1,396
Views: 419,594
Re: [Live] Youyota 2-in-1 Tablet
I didn't open up my Jolla Tablet but regarding this post ( the Jolla Tablets were shipped with the v4.0...
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2017-06-09, 09:56
Replies: 36
Views: 52,790
Re: Jolla successor - Yotaphone
There seems to be some small progress: :D
Forum: Buy & Sell
2017-03-15, 11:02
Replies: 49
Views: 20,265
Re: Turing Phone Dark Wyvern Glaedr
According to this TJC question ( the turing phone is missing most of...
Forum: SailfishOS
2017-03-14, 18:35
Replies: 12
Views: 6,324
Forum: Applications
2017-03-04, 17:56
Replies: 424
Views: 183,101
Re: [WIP] CuteSpotify for Sailfish
BTW CuteSpot from the Jolla Store is still working fine on Sailfish OS, so deinstall the version from Openrepos and install CuteSpot from the Jolla Store. :)
Forum: SailfishOS
2017-03-01, 20:54
Replies: 155
Views: 48,462
Re: Jolla at MWC 2017
Here is a Youtube video of the entire press event:
Forum: Buy & Sell
2017-02-24, 10:07
Replies: 6
Views: 3,118
Re: WTS Jolla Tablet Display
I don't know if you already tried but maybe your Tablet just ran out of battery? Check out this thread:
Forum: SailfishOS
2017-02-24, 01:28
Replies: 155
Views: 48,462
Jolla at MWC 2017
MWC 2017 is just around the corner, taking place in Barcelona from 27th February to 2nd March, and this year Jolla is again taking part in MWC (
Forum: SailfishOS
2017-02-14, 12:17
Replies: 294
Views: 79,079
Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
You have to swipe starting from the screen bezel (outside of the LCD screen) and if this is not working for you then you might ****ed it up with some patches and need to reinstall lipstick. :D
Forum: SailfishOS
2017-02-08, 22:43
Replies: 294
Views: 79,079
Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
If someone depens on Sailorgram, then be aware that after updating to SFOS Sailorgram won't start anymore with the current version 0.80-2.
Forum: General
2016-11-18, 09:45
Replies: 300
Views: 88,201
Re: Marc Dillon left Jolla
I ordered the ASMO charger during the Indiegogo campaign and my Jolla Tablet is still waiting for the charger to arrive. :D
The promised shipping date mentioned in their latest Indiegogo update...
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-10-27, 21:10
Replies: 9
Views: 6,313