Forum: General
2020-08-29, 07:02
Replies: 2
Views: 8,396
Re: N900 for NeoPWN / PWNiExpress
I tried both of them years ago and the tools were outdated back then so are they nowadays... best results can be achieved in terminal; I recommend trying Kali linux on n900...
Forum: Nokia N900
2020-08-20, 09:25
Replies: 30
Views: 11,655
Re: What is your N900 running/doing nowadays?
my answer is this: i use my n900 for running some of my python apps that are useful for me (mostly database apps such as tracking my water and electricity meters etc); run kali moto in chroot...
Forum: Nokia N900
2020-08-01, 04:09
Replies: 1,037
Views: 502,125
Re: Show your best photos taken with N900
It's up to you what you share ;) For me this is all about using my beloved device and control every little detail of even the pictures that the algorithm would do other way (as we modify everything...
Forum: Nokia N900
2020-07-30, 19:34
Replies: 1,037
Views: 502,125
Forum: Nokia N900
2020-07-30, 05:55
Replies: 1,037
Views: 502,125
Re: Show your best photos taken with N900
Yeah... My every day used Samsung device is 5 years old now and despite all the hacking I made on it (not me personally but trying to improve capabilities others made possible) still not capable of...
Forum: Nokia N900
2020-07-29, 11:38
Replies: 1,037
Views: 502,125
Re: Show your best photos taken with N900
here are some pics I took lately. I still prefer my n900 for taking images even if it is a bit slow compared to my daily phone... But still... the pictures are more vivid to me. :)
Forum: Applications
2020-07-26, 04:41
Replies: 45
Views: 41,872
Re: Pwnie Express
I do not found the one that I shared but I do found a link to it (do not know whether it is good though...):...
Forum: General
2020-05-20, 09:44
Replies: 16
Views: 6,795
Re: N900 i3wm / maemo, is it possible?
If you would like to use it as a small comp I would not bother myself for changing UI... As I said before that is not a problem; at least you would not gain enough "power" or memory with that. And it...
Forum: General
2020-05-18, 09:27
Replies: 16
Views: 6,795
Re: N900 i3wm / maemo, is it possible?
I don't really get the point here... Why would you like to do that...? I mean, of course the RAM is "not enough" but it is not the GUI that couses problems... Or maybe I'm wrong but that is my...
Forum: Applications
2020-03-25, 17:55
Replies: 233
Views: 65,286
Re: Evopedia
I just added (6 minutes ago) but does not start downloading. Waiting... :) Will update if starts.
Forum: Community
2020-02-20, 07:04
Replies: 243
Views: 48,098
Re: To amuse the community
Man, Maemish... :) Your hijack adventure is quite a story... I hope you will find the place (and not really bad guys in masks) - at least you have a n900 :)
About KolibriOS - as i saw it is only...
Forum: General
2020-02-14, 07:22
Replies: 61
Views: 14,527
Forum: General
2020-02-11, 12:57
Replies: 61
Views: 14,527
Forum: General
2020-02-11, 08:45
Replies: 61
Views: 14,527
Forum: General
2020-02-11, 07:41
Replies: 61
Views: 14,527
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2020-01-23, 07:18
Replies: 11
Views: 2,756
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2020-01-23, 07:08
Replies: 11
Views: 2,756
Re: Should I run this Upgrade?
Just... Do not do that... :) :)
+1 for peterleinchen
EDIT:// I recommend upgrading your apps one by one. Extras-devel could (should) be fine but maybe worth to see the output (apt-get -u...
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2020-01-16, 12:47
Replies: 666
Views: 293,361
Re: Maemo-Leste pre-alpha announcement
It is just an assumption but for Pro1 swap and overclocking may not be necesseary as it has 6 Gb ram and snapdragon 835... Transition is based on transitions.ini on n900 so it could be changed by...
Forum: Community
2020-01-10, 07:05
Replies: 5
Views: 3,489
Forum: Games
2019-12-20, 07:42
Replies: 53
Views: 13,755
Re: Game advices for N900
I played Angry Birds (Rio, and 1,2,3,4 if I remember well), Assassins Creed, and Monopoly on my n900. And bounce of course :) I even managed to install Quake 3 Arena and Starcraft but these were...
Forum: Android
2019-10-25, 07:30
Replies: 16
Views: 12,961
Re: Finding a Used Phone with Unlocked Bootloader
I'm using a Samsung Galaxy A5 (2015) now with LineageOS ( I do not have any idea of your worries or expectations about the size of the phone; it is fine...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2019-09-05, 11:43
Replies: 153
Views: 77,570
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2019-09-05, 11:37
Replies: 21
Views: 4,752
Re: Maemo 5 and reCAPTCHA
I do not know that, never tried opera mini 8; opera mobile 12 is perfect for my n900. But I do not use it as an everyday device.
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2019-09-04, 16:19
Replies: 153
Views: 77,570
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2019-09-03, 13:28
Replies: 153
Views: 77,570
Re: Cutetube / Cutetube 2 problem
I'm not using Thumb, I'm using CSSU Testing.
I have to dig for libssl version; someone linked it somewhere here... :) Trying to find it...