Showing results 1 to 7 of 7 @ 0.00 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: mcow
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo 2011-08-02, 21:07
Replies: 2
Views: 2,146
Posted By mcow
Re: Canola2 UPnP plugin

I just tried it recently myself, and not only did it not offer any new functionality that I could see, it broke the old configuration -- wouldn't show the files on the memory card and wouldn't let me...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo 2011-07-30, 23:00
Replies: 5
Views: 2,701
Posted By mcow
Re: Menu icon for script

Good suggestion. I looked at the other .desktop files and saw that many of them have this line:
I looked in that dir and noticed canola.png, and when I looked back...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo 2011-06-24, 16:27
Replies: 613
Views: 264,079
Posted By mcow
Re: ANNOUNCE: Diablo-Turbo first beta available

I would tweak the instructions a bit more to make it clear that
1) zimage is optional before instructing to download
2) gps-driverguard.deb is not needed for N800 before instructing to download
Forum: Applications 2011-06-23, 23:22
Replies: 1,375
Views: 350,975
Posted By mcow
Re: Tear 0.3.1 - a would be beta WebKit based browser

The contextmenu event is emitted by Tear, and it can be canceled. I use jQuery and implemented the cancellation like this:
$(document).bind('contextmenu', function() { return false; } );

Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo 2011-06-07, 17:40
Replies: 1,042
Views: 277,857
Posted By mcow
Re: [Announce] advanced-systemui

It is? You mean the web page about the screen-brightness/blanking management (which I can't find anymore), or the Brightness page in the ASUI settings app?

edit: oh, wait: you are talking about a...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo 2011-06-07, 05:21
Replies: 1,042
Views: 277,857
Posted By mcow
Re: [Announce] advanced-systemui

OK, I've been rebooting my tablet for the past hour and trying various things.

1) Restarting alarmd is not necessary; resetting MCE does the trick, partway. After that reset, the tablet dims...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo 2011-03-18, 16:41
Replies: 1,042
Views: 277,857
Posted By mcow
Re: [Announce] advanced-systemui

No problem of note here with 0.5.1, altho I don't have Diablo Turbo installed.

I haven't had a chance yet to see whether problems I reported with 0.5.0 have been resolved; will report back.
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7

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