Forum: SailfishOS
2019-02-10, 17:44
Replies: 148
Views: 39,486
Forum: Competitors
2019-02-10, 17:42
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,777
Re: Are you Ready? Fx HW Keyboard Phone
What's the exact alloy number? How do Chen plans to compensate for the significantly higher production and finishing price for magnesium alloy parts? Thanks!
Forum: General
2019-02-05, 08:48
Replies: 1,154
Views: 296,858
Re: The new QWERTY device project
Jeez, why compare Chen to Samsung or Apple? Why not the God himself? And guess what, if you'll ask Apple's or Samsung's PR team about something - they will highly likely answer you. Probably with...
Forum: General
2019-02-01, 13:37
Replies: 1,154
Views: 296,858
Re: The new QWERTY device project
First of all, I'm really sorry that you didn't have the best experience with TOHKBD.
The problem with key presses is a cause of "not quite perfect" key peg position/length, that presses on the...
Forum: General
2019-02-01, 09:52
Replies: 1,154
Views: 296,858
Forum: General
2019-02-01, 09:16
Replies: 1,154
Views: 296,858
Re: The new QWERTY device project
I could not care less if you beleive me or not. The peculiar fact is, that as a proof of existence of anything you're asking for text information and imagery. On the internet. Asking the guy with...
Forum: General
2019-02-01, 06:52
Replies: 1,154
Views: 296,858
Re: The new QWERTY device project
Just because Chen says it's real doesn't mean it actually is. Yes, I actually work for the company (not THE BIG ONE but still) that pushes actual Sailfish OS devices on the russian market (not B2C...
Forum: General
2019-01-31, 13:31
Replies: 1,154
Views: 296,858
Re: The new QWERTY device project
I just have to put my 5 cents (also, hello there!). Not that anyone needs any defense here, but TBH you're trying to shift the reality here quite a lot. Just look at Dirk's or mine twitter feed or KS...
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-06-13, 19:38
Replies: 378
Views: 129,611
Re: Russian Open Mobile development based on SFOS
I'm not sure if I understand things correctly, but isn't open sourced code allows anyone to review and evaluate it? What parts of the code should be open for people to feel satisfied and secure?...
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-06-09, 18:55
Replies: 378
Views: 129,611
Re: Russian Open Mobile development based on SFOS
Hey all. Life walks in misterious ways, I've always wanted to work, first for Nokia on Maemo, then meeGo, then jolla on Sailfish, now I work for OMP as a lead designer.
We're currently on a very...
Forum: Competitors
2015-02-16, 18:35
Replies: 26
Views: 14,666
Forum: The Other Half
2014-12-12, 21:08
Replies: 23
Views: 26,654
TOHKBD Layouts
Hello people, long time no see :)
I've finally finished a template for TOHKBD layout file that will be used to laser etch letters on the keypad.
A little...
Forum: The Other Half
2014-12-01, 19:52
Replies: 1,813
Views: 601,045
Re: TOHKBD rev2
Keycap is made with traslucent plastic and covered in two layers of paint. First layer is "white+blue" base and secon is all black. Then some parts of that black layer can be evaporated with the...
Forum: The Other Half
2014-09-16, 11:25
Replies: 1,813
Views: 601,045
Re: TOHKBD rev2
If you want to know anything about the design or discuss/suggest, you can ask me, I guess, just so that I can take some hits for Dirk :D
And to start with something.
QWERTZ layout is technically...
Forum: The Other Half
2014-01-02, 17:00
Replies: 302
Views: 117,850
Forum: The Other Half
2014-01-02, 10:27
Replies: 302
Views: 117,850
Forum: Design
2012-12-23, 21:50
Replies: 16
Views: 11,563
[X-mas Announce] Atmos Weather Iconset
Heya people! :D
On behalf of all MeeCast/OMWeather team I'd like to wish you all a merry Christmas! :) And as a gift I'd like to present you all my very new set of weather icons not only for...
Forum: Applications
2011-09-03, 21:17
Replies: 1,258
Views: 469,665
[MeeGo] [Announce] MeeCast for Harmattan
Hello folks!
We (Tanya Makava, Vlad Vasilieu and me) have decided to finally release our application into open water, so please welcome:
MeeCast for Harmattan
Info and screenshots:...
Forum: Design
2011-04-23, 10:06
Replies: 1
Views: 2,200
Design BoF@SF2011 MeeGo Conference
Hello all.
Just in case someone didn't notice:
Since I’m not a big fan of boring lectures, tribunes or formal declarations of any kind, I’d like to introduce new format for my talk at the San...
Forum: Community
2011-04-19, 14:15
Replies: 1,015
Views: 283,442
Forum: Alternatives
2011-03-29, 23:04
Replies: 37
Views: 15,717
Forum: Alternatives
2010-09-27, 23:31
Replies: 98
Views: 31,736
Forum: General
2010-08-19, 18:15
Replies: 442
Views: 173,651
Forum: General
2010-08-19, 12:22
Replies: 442
Views: 173,651
Re: Pictures: Nokia N9 Real leak
The only thing that makes me confused about the design is n9 label (and nokia label too btw) They are both in very strange places, not typical for nokia at all. Anyway, nice pocketable Macbook Pro :D
Forum: Design
2010-08-12, 21:04
Replies: 650
Views: 243,805
Re: Live Wallpaper discussion thread
You don't need to run Live Wallpapers every time. Just set your backgrounds once and you're done.
Talking about processing power - each wallpaper eats its own ammount. Videos are pretty heavy,...