Forum: Applications
2012-09-01, 03:03
Replies: 1,080
Views: 286,752
Re: [Announce] The One Ring
Could be a timeout issue, I remember those happening quite a bit.
The wiki page has some information on how to collect information to see why it is happening
Forum: Applications
2012-03-17, 23:54
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Forum: Applications
2011-11-17, 23:51
Replies: 72
Views: 19,924
Re: [Announce] Multilist
So it looks like lists are automatically deleted when you delete all the items in the list. The List selector just doesn't always get updated (a restart would do it).
I could work to fix the list...
Forum: Applications
2011-11-09, 21:10
Replies: 72
Views: 19,924
Re: [Announce] Multilist
I'm heading on vacation and don't have a device I can play with to remember (still haven't ported to n950, grr QML), so it won't be till next week till I can get back to you
Forum: Applications
2011-11-09, 00:51
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
It'll be a bit before I can look at it. The code is all messed up in prep for some changes I am making and I'm heading out for a week.
Forum: Applications
2011-09-15, 00:31
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
Still haven't figured out what I broke, sorry
Also I am uploading some new packages, nothing to fix things for Addison but there is a chance to break things for Maemo 5 users. You have been...
Forum: Applications
2011-09-05, 22:03
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
Application alerts require DC to be running but should require less work within DC.
Background alerts are what DC has always had for Diablo.
Now that the previous background alert bug is fixed...
Forum: Applications
2011-09-01, 23:55
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
I found the problem. The new tools I use made it so the alarm script could no longer be run as-is. I expect my small tweak to make it work.
Forum: Applications
2011-08-31, 03:15
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
Sorry I wasn't clear, I was wanting to see what your settings file looked like when it was enabled in case something weird or different was happening
Forum: Applications
2011-08-31, 02:43
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
Sorry I'm having such horrible turn around time with you on this. I've still not gotten to test too much more. I am surprised you don't have a notifier.log. Could you post your settings.ini file...
Forum: Applications
2011-08-28, 03:52
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
Hmm, I take it you didn't see a notifier.log or something similar? If so then for some reason it is failing to even start the notifier. Hand testing on my n810 comes back fine, maybe I'll let the...
Forum: Applications
2011-08-25, 01:26
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
Could you send me the logs? They are now stored in "~/.cache/dialcentral". I'm not seeing anything that should be going wrong. Are you using a custom notifier?
Forum: Applications
2011-08-24, 10:48
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
Good call, for some reason I didn't get a notification about the last couple of posts.
I'll look into notifications and contacts
Forum: Applications
2011-08-23, 00:12
Replies: 1,080
Views: 286,752
Re: [Announce] The One Ring
Wow, I'm sorry I let this sit in my inbox for so long. The fact that you see the incoming message in conversations yet you lack the notification makes this sounds like one of those mysterious...
Forum: Applications
2011-08-21, 02:00
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
Yes, python-xdg is a new dep and if you install DC manually you will also need to install it. The latest DC is showing up for me, maybe give it some more time? They haven't really provided any...
Forum: Applications
2011-08-16, 12:51
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
I've pushed a new version to extras-devel and have successfully launched it. I still do not endorse running software out of extras-devel.
Forum: Applications
2011-08-05, 01:51
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
So I've still not figured out why keyboard shortcuts don't work on Maemo 4.1 but I did fix the LED issue. A slight copy-paste bug where when telling it to turn off I would instead tell it to turn...
Forum: Applications
2011-08-05, 01:30
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
I'm guessing you are using background rather than application alerts? I think there is a bug there with those. I'm creating a fix but in the mean time you can use the other alarm type. The...
Forum: Applications
2011-08-05, 01:00
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
You will need a US number, usually people use a SIP one like Addison pointed out though they had closed registration at one point. Once you get one configure it on the GV site and then in the menu...
Forum: Applications
2011-08-03, 13:25
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
A few posts back heavyt reported this, I'll have to take a look to see what is up
Forum: Applications
2011-07-26, 03:21
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
I'll have to think about that use case. I was focusing on same-device calls and having it there could be confusing (like in this case).
I also don't think I have the plugin installed on any...
Forum: Applications
2011-07-26, 02:20
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
Also what version of DC are you running? I had GTalk in their for a bit with the vain hope it might one day work but I removed it at some point.
Forum: Applications
2011-07-22, 23:58
Replies: 1,842
Views: 465,312
Re: Dialcentral 1.0
It should work in the Qt version, so that is a bug. I think I've noticed it before but not too sure why.
I've been meaning to release a Qt and GTK version that can be parallel installed. I'd...
Forum: Applications
2011-07-02, 19:57
Replies: 1,080
Views: 286,752
Re: [Announce] The One Ring
The method I use for grabbing them only grabs them so far back and I am unsure if there are some pagination flags to get additional items. I've tried looking for the other resources I generally use...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2011-06-22, 21:04
Replies: 238
Views: 90,704