Showing results 1 to 7 of 7 @ 0.00 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: f pickels
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-11-29, 00:51
Replies: 158
Views: 38,141
Posted By f pickels
Re: Is The N900's Real Competition?

Well, didn't you just prove his point. I agree with a whole lot with what Maemojedi said. And the answer above is point and fact. This is a very negitive and hostel place for anybody thats not part...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-11-26, 04:02
Replies: 674
Views: 251,725
Posted By f pickels
Re: N900 - Yes, it sucks.

I in part agree, But you must also remember 2 years ago the Apple/ iPhone mobile os and UI was a million miles ahead of what any one else was thinking let alone trying to implement. And while I find...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-11-24, 20:03
Replies: 120
Views: 22,699
Posted By f pickels
Re: So what did you expect?

You know what I expect from the N900 ? It to work as advertised! It seems more and more that it does not. I expect it to do all the things Nokia say's it can do. I expect it to do all the things it...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-11-24, 19:47
Replies: 674
Views: 251,725
Posted By f pickels
Re: N900 - Yes, it sucks.

Point is this, every other Phone Company solved all these problems years ago. And None of them specially Apple released a phone or operating system that was in development. Nokia is the biggest phone...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-11-24, 04:30
Replies: 108
Views: 30,499
Posted By f pickels
Re: Disappointed with N900 - Reality Check!

Why is it just about every time somebody has anything negative to say about the N900, well informed or not. experienced with the N900 or not. Some one here has to tell them to F#@% Off, or some...
Forum: Applications 2009-11-24, 02:43
Replies: 95
Views: 15,710
Posted By f pickels
Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Well by that logic Nokia is dead as a phone platform, and by extension so is Maemo, People are leaving Nokia by the millions.
Forum: Applications 2009-11-24, 02:34
Replies: 95
Views: 15,710
Posted By f pickels
Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Once again I am seeing people miss the point, and you people that say myspace is not used any more are simply ignorant to the facts. I to am in the music industry, every band has a profile and many...
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