Showing results 1 to 6 of 6 @ 0.00 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: m.r.a.haak
Forum: Nokia N900 2010-09-04, 11:02
Replies: 9
Views: 8,481
Posted By m.r.a.haak
Re: Libsdl-ttf2.0 (>=2.0.9) error

heh no i guess i did not, sorry im such a noob :D. could you give me a step by step tutorial on how to do this?
Forum: Nokia N900 2010-07-28, 09:36
Replies: 368
Views: 172,191
Posted By m.r.a.haak
Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

I had the same problem took me about one hour to find out what to do. But this worked for me :

1) follow these instructions :...
Forum: Games 2010-07-26, 10:56
Replies: 1,420
Views: 510,842
Posted By m.r.a.haak
Re: How To: Nintendo 64 Emu for N900 <Now in Extras-Devel>

I consider myself a noob and had some problems with configuring the sixaxis controller. That does not mean that its the fault of others. Sometimes you have to put some of your own effort into things....
Forum: Games 2010-07-25, 12:05
Replies: 1,420
Views: 510,842
Posted By m.r.a.haak
Re: How To: Nintendo 64 Emu for N900 <Now in Extras-Devel>

hi guys,

So i tried getting zelda oot to work. The game starts and lets me make a character but when i want to load the character the game crashes and gives me the following error : the core...
Forum: Nokia N900 2010-06-14, 22:41
Replies: 16
Views: 4,063
Posted By m.r.a.haak
Please fill out the following questions to help improve the n900

No Flash 10.1? Not enough apps in OviStore? No Voice navigation, Think the OS needs improvement?

Dont troll about it here. Nokia probably isnt watching this forum as much as they should.
Forum: Nokia N900 2010-06-12, 10:25
Replies: 8
Views: 3,379
Posted By m.r.a.haak
Re: I need adobe flash?

I know that flash 10.1 is not coming any day soon, probably never unless the wizzkids on maemo can help us out. I know that spewing criticism on is not going to help much because nokia...
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6

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