Forum: SailfishOS
2015-09-07, 19:32
Replies: 670
Views: 145,968
Forum: Applications
2014-04-11, 13:27
Replies: 490
Views: 155,780
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-04-03, 08:28
Replies: 2,904
Views: 753,384
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-03-19, 17:33
Replies: 3,443
Views: 1,079,772
Re: Jolla User Experience Thread
I agree, I would've preferred my background picture/ambience to be seen everywhere I navigate, 'to make the phone my own'... Now it's just black everywhere except the lock screen and maybe events...
Forum: The Other Half
2014-03-09, 13:52
Replies: 801
Views: 391,086
Forum: Applications
2014-02-13, 09:58
Replies: 1,998
Views: 561,922
Forum: Applications
2014-02-02, 22:59
Replies: 424
Views: 183,101
Forum: Applications
2014-02-02, 16:56
Replies: 490
Views: 155,780
Forum: Applications
2014-01-31, 19:10
Replies: 424
Views: 183,101
Re: [Work in Progress] CuteSpotify for Sailfish
They changed libsailfishapp. See for example webcat thread.
Or this:
EDIT: It should be fixed now with version 1.3.0-14 Thanks Elleo
Forum: Applications
2014-01-31, 05:50
Replies: 1,998
Views: 561,922
Forum: Applications
2013-12-22, 22:37
Replies: 424
Views: 183,101
Re: [Work in Progress] CuteSpotify for Sailfish
Another small update:
* Fixes error display on login, so if you get username/password wrong or don't have a premium account...
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2013-12-20, 11:39
Replies: 3,443
Views: 1,079,772
Re: Jolla User Experience Thread
To bring this back onto topic.
Location settings. Given the drain this has on the battery it would be good if it could be added as a toggle on the front page of settings, like Bluetooth and WLAN...