Forum: Games
2012-11-19, 21:43
Replies: 1,269
Views: 712,457
Forum: Games
2012-10-21, 11:00
Replies: 1,269
Views: 712,457
[Announce] apkenv (N900, N950, N9)
Potentially hours of fun.
And yes, it *does* work if you have the right .apk files.
No, I can't help you with this segfault.
No clue where to get these .apk files you are talking about.
Have fun...
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2012-09-05, 14:10
Replies: 452
Views: 191,238
Forum: Development
2012-06-19, 15:12
Replies: 186
Views: 90,345
Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
I just found the Nokia Store online marketing tool (, which can produce banners for apps which have been accepted in to the store (note that the url you use in...
Forum: Games
2012-04-20, 18:37
Replies: 1,182
Views: 397,750
Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
Uploaded pcsxrearmed version
* Added option -disc to set the initial disc in multi discs images (used when loading a savestate with -load)
* Added option -autosave
Forum: Games
2012-04-10, 13:52
Replies: 1,182
Views: 397,750
Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
Uploaded pcsxrearmed version
* Fixed accelerometer using gles
* Added -analog option to use the accelerometer as the analog pad
* Added options to set accelerometer...
Forum: Games
2012-04-02, 12:26
Replies: 1,182
Views: 397,750
Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
Uploaded psx4m-gui version 0.4-6.14.5
* Added memory cards editor (to clear used slots)
* Added option to set the memory cards
* Added options to set reverb and interpolation...
Forum: Games
2012-04-01, 11:45
Replies: 1,182
Views: 397,750
Forum: Games
2012-03-30, 09:37
Replies: 1,182
Views: 397,750
Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
Uploaded pcsxrearmed version
* Added option to set psx region (NTSC/PAL/Auto)
* Use PulseAudio (better audio)
The sound seems really better: with frameskip disabled...
Forum: Games
2011-11-07, 13:13
Replies: 56
Views: 19,472
[27-12 Update] Red Roll (deb)
Hi, everyone! I'm back with another game. Well, a part of it at least. I developed it on and off starting this summer and now it's in a state where I can release it to public. It's (yet another)...
Forum: Games
2011-11-02, 20:52
Replies: 1,182
Views: 397,750
Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
We could do a compatibility list for R11.
Games I've tested so far: (at 1ghz, sound disabled)
Adventures of Lomax - 40 - 45 fps, frameskip disabled
Bomberman Fantasy Race - 25 - 30 fps,...
Forum: Games
2011-10-27, 09:56
Replies: 1,182
Views: 397,750
Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
For anyone who wants the r10 release now, I compiled it myself.
Just download the zipfile in the link, decompress it, you'll find a file named "pcsx".
On the device, do the following:
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2011-07-05, 06:21
Replies: 238
Views: 90,709
Forum: Development
2011-04-27, 15:11
Replies: 28
Views: 14,852
Forum: Community
2011-04-24, 16:57
Replies: 25
Views: 9,004
Forum: Games
2011-03-31, 23:11
Replies: 156
Views: 50,034
Forum: Games
2011-03-31, 19:00
Replies: 156
Views: 50,034
Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
I don't know if it's exhaustion or I'm just not born to understand Linux packages, but I'm starting to doubt I'll have the patience to package this today, so here are the Maemo binaries...
Forum: Multimedia
2011-03-31, 18:09
Replies: 526
Views: 207,965
Forum: Games
2011-03-31, 08:41
Replies: 156
Views: 50,034
Re: [Announce (almost)] Reverstris Lite
Can't do that, tonight is the deadline for an Android competition we entered a month ago :) And while we're at packagind, turns out I have no clue how to make a proper DEB. My project is written in...
Forum: Multimedia
2011-02-27, 14:30
Replies: 526
Views: 207,965
[ANNOUNCE] SomePlayer is available for Maemo 5
I am pleased to inform you that after six months of development, testing and usage in Russia SomePlayer now available in the official repositories.
Main features:
Forum: Games
2011-02-15, 13:43
Replies: 1,182
Views: 397,750
Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
Well I suppose you have to at least install psx4m, but I would say, just install psx4m-gui, it make starting games and choosing configuration a lot easier. And it also saves the configurations for...
Forum: Applications
2011-02-14, 09:51
Replies: 102
Views: 42,293
Forum: Games
2011-02-04, 19:12
Replies: 1,182
Views: 397,750
Re: [Announce] Sony Playstation 1 Emulators
Download ePSXe 1.60
Copy the last Savegame from CD1 /home/usr/mcd001.mcr ........
and insert them in the "memcards" folder from ePSXe.
Mount the Parasite Eve Images with...
Forum: Games
2011-02-04, 12:49
Replies: 1,182
Views: 397,750
Forum: Community
2011-01-26, 09:40
Replies: 33
Views: 9,407
disable my "thanks" button?
this might sound a bit weird, but is there some way to individually disable the thanks button, i.e. that there is no "thanks" button underneath my posts? I didn't find something in my profile...