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Forum: Multimedia 2014-07-01, 19:37
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By sixwheeledbeast
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

I have come to the conclusion this happens if you start the application and plug the headset in while the application is starting.

I have also noticed "Set available offline" doesn't work in...
Forum: Multimedia 2014-06-19, 07:12
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By sixwheeledbeast
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Just to update I have had the double playback once more since, terminal doesn't seem to throw any errors, but it seems to call the track earlier than the end of the last one. Maybe if this is...
Forum: Multimedia 2014-05-21, 15:08
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By sixwheeledbeast
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Hi, nice to see your still about :)

It not easy to reproduce unfortunately, I will start using qSpot from a terminal to see if it throws up any debug information.

I can only think that I...
Forum: Multimedia 2014-05-20, 22:44
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By sixwheeledbeast
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

I am trailing Spotify at the moment.
I have noticed issues with qSpot, is there an active developer for this project?

I have experienced this twice now.

Also I have had issues with..
Forum: Multimedia 2013-12-31, 21:55
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By Dave999
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Any plans to push Qspot to sailfish anytime soon?
Forum: Multimedia 2013-06-20, 09:39
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By knobtviker
I used 12 in Soundwave Spotify integration. Qt...

I used 12 in Soundwave Spotify integration. Qt wrapper needs to be changed slightly.
99% is the same.
CarSpot uses 12 too, check it out in Github.
Forum: Multimedia 2013-06-20, 09:08
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By martinwozenilek
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

I can only repeat how I solve this problem.

When I'm affected by the 0PL problem I start the shell, change to user root and start qspot from the /opt/qspot/bin directory.

Then you can see that...
Forum: Multimedia 2013-06-14, 22:15
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By bue
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

I actually reported something like this, but with 30 seconds earlier.

My experience since then is that what seems to happen is that playback happens simultanously from the "current spot" and from...
Forum: Multimedia 2013-06-14, 09:19
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By knobtviker
What version libspotify are you using? Qt...

What version libspotify are you using?
Qt wrapper around it has to change bit. Old one not compatible with .12
Forum: Multimedia 2013-06-13, 19:11
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By Raimu
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

I didn't see quickly-glanced if I or anyone else has reported this problem before, but at least in the latest qSpot there is an occasionally-triggered glitch where the song currently playing starts...
Forum: Multimedia 2013-05-04, 08:02
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By nokiabot
Forum: Multimedia 2013-05-04, 07:13
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By martinwozenilek
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

update from my site: as the 96kbit setting helped only partial i've tried to start qspot from /opt/qspot from console as root to see what's going on. and yes, there are plenty of messages showing on...
Forum: Multimedia 2013-03-26, 12:56
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By martinwozenilek
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Cool tip! I can confirm setting the download bitrate to 96kbit works much more stable. The other bitrate does have no effect. Mmmh ... but i still have no idea what the problem is and how to solve...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-11-19, 10:13
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By mrp
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify


I'm a Spotify user again after a long time. I'm poor at discovering new music and I hate a long list of play lists. I normally subscribe to somebody else's list.
What I'm missing compared to...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-10-27, 19:05
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By dannejanne
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Any plans to implement a search function that works offline in your own playlists like MeeSpot has? It's the only feature that makes me use MeeSpot instead.
Forum: Multimedia 2012-10-23, 00:39
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By keflex
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Hey aen, also reporting in to express my appreciation. QSpot is the only reliable Spotify app on the N9 that can download 320kbps, and that's a huge drawcard/differentiatior in my eyes. Additionally...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-10-22, 19:27
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By dommau
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

hi aenbacka!

thanks for qspot, it's awesome! great to have a spotify client that still receives some love from it's developer.

i have a feature suggestion: would it be possible that qspot show...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-10-03, 19:14
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By Sniper_swe
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

It would make it the best spotify client avalible on any OS;)
Forum: Multimedia 2012-10-03, 18:56
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By OVK
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Sorry, did not notice (hopefully it was not me who asked the time before :o)

Nice to hear that this is under consideration. QSpot is already excellent application and this would make it even...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-08-15, 08:58
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By Vlad_on_the_road
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Well done, it works indeed. All playlists show the correct number of tracks !
But sometimes playlists are empty, I need to log out then in (not just quit, I have to click on "Log Out"), and they are...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-08-14, 23:06
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By bue
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Well, not exactly. I must start by congratulating you in solving (as it seems) the problem with QSpot getting stuck while loading the playlists. Finally it seems that I might be able to use my...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-08-14, 20:19
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By Vlad_on_the_road
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Yep. I had uninstalled Qspot for a few weeks, installed it again when you announced the update, but I somehow installed the 1.1.1-2 version as previously stated : it didn't load any playlist (as...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-08-14, 19:28
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By Vlad_on_the_road
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

I guess there are just my own. I don't remember ever using collaborative or shared playlists.

Forum: Multimedia 2012-08-12, 23:33
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By Vlad_on_the_road
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

Hi Aenbacka,

I still have the loading playlist bug...BUT qspot shows version 1.1.1-2. Is it normal ?


Edit: I should have done a manual repository update before posting this......Qspot...
Forum: Multimedia 2012-08-07, 13:07
Replies: 1,111
Views: 417,824
Posted By dcln
Re: [ANNOUNCE] QSpot, a Qt-based Spotify client based on libspotify

I managed to find a way to get Qspot to load playlists again. However now I'm gettting "offline licence server error" when trying to set some playlist to be available as offline mode and offline sync...
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