Forum: Neo900
2013-10-10, 22:56
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,420
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900
That's pretty simple but hard to explain, and I'm a poor sketchdrawer. Think of a 2mm plastic layer on top of kbd half, like an extended kbd frame that's flush with *outer* surface of the case shell...
Forum: Neo900
2013-10-10, 20:17
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,420
Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900
We will look into getting 64 or even 128GB of eMMC. Difference is in the range of $$
Nikolaus curently strongly favours my "sandwich" suggestion (2nd PCB) which will add 2..3mm on height of device...
Forum: Neo900
2013-08-25, 21:32
Replies: 3,244
Views: 1,553,420
Neo900 - finally a successor of N900
so it begun (
Introducing the Neo900 project ( - the first true successor for N900
we (the Neo900 team) are currently...
Forum: SailfishOS
2013-05-27, 22:59
Replies: 654
Views: 259,782
Forum: SailfishOS
2013-02-25, 15:51
Replies: 287
Views: 140,035
Forum: General
2013-01-14, 04:54
Replies: 234
Views: 130,051
[GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime
As some of you already might have noticed, this forum as well as all * infra is going to move to a new home, due to Nokia not providing/supporting any hosting on Nokia servers for it...
Forum: Off Topic
2012-08-31, 02:40
Replies: 3,260
Views: 1,073,424
Forum: Off Topic
2012-07-07, 17:17
Replies: 3,260
Views: 1,073,424
Forum: Off Topic
2012-07-07, 11:52
Replies: 3,260
Views: 1,073,424
Forum: Off Topic
2012-07-07, 11:51
Replies: 3,260
Views: 1,073,424
Forum: Off Topic
2012-07-07, 09:59
Replies: 3,260
Views: 1,073,424
Forum: Community
2012-07-05, 01:10
Replies: 136
Views: 83,624
Forum: Community
2012-07-03, 20:57
Replies: 136
Views: 83,624
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2012-07-03, 15:50
Replies: 270
Views: 189,606
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2012-07-03, 14:49
Replies: 353
Views: 259,878
PR 1.3 - User changelog
Let's find out all those 1000 improvements! I'll try to update 1st post as often as I can.
Official Nokia changelog:
Over 1000 quality improvements including Mail, Facebook, Twitter,...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2012-06-20, 09:20
Replies: 11
Views: 16,595
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2012-06-17, 09:35
Replies: 11
Views: 16,595
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2012-06-16, 12:24
Replies: 11
Views: 16,595
Forum: Development
2012-05-29, 22:37
Replies: 186
Views: 90,345
2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
There are many interesting applications for the Nokia N9 that can be found in the community channels but no at the Nokia Store. Some of them would be well received by the N9 users at large, don't you...
Forum: Community
2012-05-14, 10:15
Replies: 2
Views: 2,061
MWKN Weekly News: 14 May 2012
MWKN Weekly News: 14 May 2012
Delays in getting Maemo Community Council election started
An administrative mix-up seems to be to blame for delaying the start of the Maemo Community Council...
Forum: General
2012-05-10, 17:25
Replies: 64
Views: 26,379
Forum: General
2012-05-10, 15:32
Replies: 64
Views: 26,379
Re: For Lumiaman - 101 Reasons Not to Buy WP7.5
Either the N9 you have/had was a cheapo Chinese rip-off imitation or you simply couldn't fathom it out.
And making 'comparisons' such as this -
2. No Divx/Xvid video codec support. Zune will...
Forum: General
2012-05-10, 12:12
Replies: 64
Views: 26,379
For Lumiaman - 101 Reasons Not to Buy WP7.5
Care to comment on this Lumiaman? Or forever hold your peace.
1. No true multitasking - apps are frozen in the background.
2. No...
Forum: General
2012-05-01, 16:39
Replies: 48
Views: 21,379
Forum: General
2012-04-17, 16:18
Replies: 30
Views: 14,896