Forum: SailfishOS
2021-12-07, 18:29
Replies: 257
Views: 108,704
Forum: Competitors
2021-10-28, 11:00
Replies: 183
Views: 43,652
Forum: Applications
2021-08-22, 00:16
Replies: 2,065
Views: 952,745
Forum: General
2021-07-29, 03:14
Replies: 6
Views: 7,150
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2021-07-15, 12:08
Replies: 72
Views: 30,009
Re: Maemo Leste Playground
I think I had that set up on something, maybe a r-pi....
Years ago though....
But wasn't the player used in the firmware available as an app for N900 too?
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2021-07-04, 18:43
Replies: 15
Views: 10,902
Re: The joy of HEVC
This is the only thing I was refering to.
And if you do a proper 2-pass encoding of x264 you can tweak it so that it's just as good as x265, while being maybe 25% larger in filesize.
- But it makes...
Forum: Brainstorm
2021-03-30, 10:59
Replies: 5
Views: 17,571
Crypto Ancienne for Maemo
Can Crypto Ancienne be an asnwer for TLS1.2 and TLS 1.3 support for Maemo and Meego?
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2021-03-19, 19:34
Replies: 72
Views: 30,009
Forum: Community
2021-03-13, 13:16
Replies: 243
Views: 48,099
Re: To amuse the community
Okay, so I finally got all setup on the phone. But the learning curve was long and hard.
First of all LineageOs is a new thing to me as well as android and adb tools. Have used tools only twice...
Forum: General
2021-03-09, 14:27
Replies: 27
Views: 8,271
Re: Sorry Brexiteers, no Sailfish X for you!
And oranges are a fine example of how the EU's tariff schedule was not appropriate for the UK, why would the UK want a 16% tariff on oranges?
Cool, I'm glad you've accepted that point. Not all...
Forum: General
2021-03-07, 17:51
Replies: 27
Views: 8,271
Re: Sorry Brexiteers, no Sailfish X for you!
Not particularly significant challenges though. For over 30 years I was a Director of a UK manufacturing company that traded right around the world. Once you've got your business processes setup for...
Forum: Competitors
2020-12-07, 11:22
Replies: 71
Views: 20,055
Re: What to get to replace my N900?
I need GPS/navigation (not the turn-by-turn directions, just the "show me where I am and let me follow along so I figure out where to walk to or when the bus is approaching the stop I need to get off...
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2020-11-11, 06:20
Replies: 55
Views: 36,123
Re: Applications Wishlist
It would be nice to have an application for N900 that would count the charching cycles and inform the battery state and even guide through the recalibration. I have never really figured out how the...
Forum: Competitors
2020-10-31, 19:04
Replies: 183
Views: 43,652
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2020-10-24, 15:20
Replies: 72
Views: 30,009
Re: Maemo Leste Playground
well, actually there is script on /etc to expand root fs using the entire sdcard free space. like on my droid4 using 32gb
here the script name. already include on all maemo-leste images
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2020-10-23, 21:39
Replies: 72
Views: 30,009
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2020-10-14, 18:22
Replies: 666
Views: 293,361
Re: Maemo-Leste pre-alpha announcement
Yes Shutdown is white on n900.
Maemish, it's will power not the device necessarily. You should embrace your creativity. The new iphone sure have some cool potential, but they do come at a cost.
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2020-10-14, 17:30
Replies: 666
Views: 293,361
Re: Maemo-Leste pre-alpha announcement
I believe this the "shut down" LED pattern. We now support software led patterns on the Droid 4.
On the N900, I think the pattern is white. Uvos didn't port the patterns and their colours 1:1 for...
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2020-10-13, 05:26
Replies: 666
Views: 293,361
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2020-10-11, 10:51
Replies: 7
Views: 4,162
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2020-10-11, 08:35
Replies: 7
Views: 4,162
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2020-10-08, 05:04
Replies: 7
Views: 4,162
Forum: Nokia N900
2020-10-07, 21:36
Replies: 20
Views: 5,514
Re: Where to find all the applications?
Now I am going to read and put into practice:
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2020-10-05, 23:53
Replies: 666
Views: 293,361
Re: Maemo-Leste pre-alpha announcement
Maemish -- sorry for not responding earlier - been quite busy. Looks like you've had a lot of fun with the system.
That said. A new update post is imminent (hopefully this week). Just in the last...
Forum: Maemo 7 / Leste
2020-09-23, 09:47
Replies: 55
Views: 36,123
Re: Applications Wishlist
Ooopsie daisy :D
Pekka Kana 2 is an old, very good indie platformer from Finland.