Forum: Community
2010-06-16, 18:25
Replies: 346
Views: 104,424
Re: Maemo Missteps, your thoughts?
Well... kind of open.
Some counter-examples: "Compliance" criteria are starting to become clear - you will be required to ship all of the MeeGo core components, and not any replacement components...
Forum: Applications
2010-05-31, 08:52
Replies: 69
Views: 15,786
Re: [Maemo 5] PR1.2 - List of apps that don't work
For users as well as for developers it might be more helpful having a clear, not comment bloated list of apps that might give problems. A wiki seems like a perfect place for that or even the first...
Forum: Development
2010-05-26, 10:42
Replies: 79
Views: 22,372
Re: [concept] MaeGym
All in 48x48
Forum: Applications
2010-05-23, 09:08
Replies: 7
Views: 3,498
Forum: Development
2010-05-21, 19:27
Replies: 659
Views: 219,880
Forum: Applications
2010-05-12, 06:53
Replies: 208
Views: 65,097
Forum: Development
2010-05-09, 01:42
Replies: 79
Views: 22,372
Forum: Development
2010-05-09, 00:16
Replies: 79
Views: 22,372
Re: [concept] MaeGym
A BIG THANKS to you for your interest and effort!!!
Your tables have all the basic requirements, maybe for the workout table you can include time - as in duration of work out session, either as a...
Forum: Development
2010-05-09, 00:01
Replies: 79
Views: 22,372
Re: [concept] MaeGym
You can also add a table in which you can organize/make your own workout scheme ;).
For example:
Triceps...Excersizes for triceps
Chest...Excersizes for chest
ABS...Excersizes for...
Forum: Development
2010-05-08, 23:39
Replies: 79
Views: 22,372
Re: [concept] MaeGym
Thx a lot for this app mate, cant wait till its done.
Some suggestions:
Add a diet section in which you can track your diet, as well as protein and calories intake. Something like this for an...
Forum: Development
2010-05-08, 09:09
Replies: 3
Views: 1,553
Forum: Development
2010-05-05, 16:02
Replies: 256
Views: 86,864
Forum: Applications
2010-05-05, 13:15
Replies: 208
Views: 65,097
Forum: Applications
2010-05-05, 07:16
Replies: 208
Views: 65,097
Forum: Development
2010-05-03, 10:00
Replies: 256
Views: 86,864
Forum: Development
2010-05-02, 20:18
Replies: 256
Views: 86,864
Forum: Development
2010-05-02, 12:54
Replies: 256
Views: 86,864
Forum: Development
2010-05-01, 15:29
Replies: 18
Views: 5,566
Forum: Community
2010-04-26, 05:10
Replies: 1
Views: 2,435
Maemo Weekly News: 26 April 2010
MeeGo & Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit write-up
The ever-excellent LWN covers the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, which was held in San Francisco just over a week ago. In addition to...
Forum: Community
2010-04-19, 08:13
Replies: 4
Views: 3,053
Maemo Weekly News: 19 April 2010
Debian's "Squeeze" devkit installed to autobuilder to bring accurate, cross-SDK dependencies
On 24th March, Niels Breet ( implemented the plan which had been...
Forum: Community
2010-03-01, 13:45
Replies: 301
Views: 105,457
Re: Cleaning N900 FUD
So allay the fears, clear up the uncertainty, and remove the doubt.
The fears are reasonable. Nokia has a pretty clear track record of abandoning the older platforms, and simply saying...
Forum: Applications
2010-02-22, 18:18
Replies: 831
Views: 244,298
Forum: Design
2010-01-11, 12:57
Replies: 490
Views: 165,268
Re: MyMenu
Is anyone actually working on the "show the categories and apps within them based off the category information in the package"?
Hardcoding apps to categories is so godawfully ugly from an...
Forum: General
2010-01-08, 12:38
Replies: 90
Views: 24,527
Forum: Design
2010-01-05, 10:03
Replies: 490
Views: 165,268
Re: MyMenu
You're not alone :-)
There is a "distmaster" just to help people like you (look him up on te web site). Also, there is a Python app to help create .deb packages (PyPackager I think).