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Forum: General 2017-06-29, 15:39
Replies: 31
Views: 10,168
Posted By endsormeans
Re: What makes phone a success?

What makes a phone a success?
All the things the above "Brains" have mentioned....
and one other thing...

What makes a phone a success? ...
why....the Production..
the making of the phone...
Forum: General 2017-06-29, 13:07
Replies: 31
Views: 10,168
Posted By NX500
Forum: General 2017-06-29, 12:02
Replies: 31
Views: 10,168
Posted By mscion
Re: What makes phone a success?

Good point! I remember when Nokia was a phone giant! Wonder what went wrong?
Forum: General 2017-06-29, 11:24
Replies: 31
Views: 10,168
Posted By juiceme
Re: What makes phone a success?

You all seem to forget the most important desirability factor, which is the brand.

Why is it so that my son wants specifically Air Jordan shoes and not the arguably same quality generic label...
Forum: Buy & Sell 2017-06-27, 18:06
Replies: 19
Views: 7,366
Posted By juiceme
Re: Nokia n9 Made in Finland for sale

Nope, N9 was made in several different Nokia factories around the world.

However the funny idea that some people cherish, that the "made in finland" devices are somehow different from the "made in...
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-03-06, 12:10
Replies: 3,083
Views: 1,060,766
Posted By mosen
Re: Sailfish OS on Sony Xperia (official)

Also limited to geek level.
I have yet to meet any person in real life that knew about Sailfish before i evangelized them like a vegan.
If you do not follow tech-channels, there is no chance you...
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-02-28, 20:41
Replies: 155
Views: 48,462
Posted By nthn
Re: Jolla at MWC 2017

There's a great feature on this forum which I discovered a while ago...
Forum: SailfishOS 2017-02-28, 15:37
Replies: 155
Views: 48,462
Posted By nthn
Re: Jolla at MWC 2017

I think you misread r0kk3rz' post, he gave pulley menus as an example of a way to solve reaching for the top of the screen.

You must have an enormous screen or almost nothing on your device,...
Forum: General 2016-11-20, 04:17
Replies: 38
Views: 15,039
Posted By meet.vino
Re: Nokia to return to the smartphone market in 2017

A Nokia with size of a N9 running SFOS...
Forum: General 2016-11-20, 01:01
Replies: 38
Views: 15,039
Posted By m4r0v3r
Re: Nokia to return to the smartphone market in 2017

if it has android then it can have cm, and if it has cm then it can have sfos
Forum: General 2016-11-19, 09:51
Replies: 38
Views: 15,039
Posted By HtheB
Re: Nokia to return to the smartphone market in 2017

As long as they will deliver high end slide-out landscape qwerty smartphones, I'm happy
Forum: General 2016-11-19, 01:50
Replies: 38
Views: 15,039
Posted By bingomion
Re: Nokia to return to the smartphone market in 2017

ahaha foxkia just like the ifox and the samfox
Forum: Competitors 2016-07-07, 21:02
Replies: 650
Views: 224,507
Posted By gerbick
Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 2016?

A slight warning... OQO Model 03 has nothing to do with the prior Model 01, 01+ and 02. The Intel Atom based 02+ did leak out to some in the forums. I had a chance to get one, decided against it but...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2016-06-25, 01:38
Replies: 25
Views: 17,216
Posted By Mr B
Re: Replacing N9 shell/housing (need white original)

Returning this thread from the dead... I'm looking for a new case, preferably white, to be shipped to Sweden. I sort of want an original, but at this point i might have to buy a whole white N9 to get...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2014-09-20, 14:13
Replies: 13
Views: 3,689
Posted By jonwil
Are people interested in my reverse engineering work?

I have made quite a few posts (and wiki entries) with header files, info and other things related to the N900 and its internals. Are people out there actually interested in this? And more to the...
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH 2014-08-14, 13:05
Replies: 16
Views: 7,496
Posted By w00t
Re: Robin Burchell is leaving Jolla

Even if I won't be working there any longer (or at least for now - who can tell what the future holds) - I still have a Jolla to call my own, and many roots in the devices & operating systems at the...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2014-07-09, 16:29
Replies: 51
Views: 35,849
Posted By juiceme
Re: Emoji SMS not be received

well, BS yourself :D:D

You are basically correct in drawing an analogy there between an UDP datagram and a SMS message; both are just messages that are "sent there, godspeed", however, on top of...
Forum: Tizen 2014-06-03, 19:30
Replies: 519
Views: 244,780
Posted By Dave999
Re: The TIZEN Thread

Short video with samsung zorro prototype device! Not the must sexy GUI according to me :D

Longer demo of z.

Demo of Tizen TV....
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan 2014-05-27, 18:45
Replies: 69
Views: 32,513
Posted By mcbook
Re: [Announce] busybox-power for Harmattan

have you tried to use coderus' "aegis-apt-get install ...." (aegis-hack) ?
Forum: Multimedia 2014-05-13, 22:55
Replies: 48
Views: 47,916
Posted By lancewex
Re: [Announce] Beats Audio Driver for PulseAudio N900 [FINAL]

I still use the N900 as an audio player (despite having used an N9 and now using a BlackBerry) because the audio sounds so good. Beats Audio is, frankly, not considered quality audio. So what I'm...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2014-04-08, 06:48
Replies: 58
Views: 25,181
Posted By Leinad
Re: Is it worth buying N9 in 2014?

It's 2014. If i was in your position, i would definitely go for a Jolla. I've had N900, N9 and now Jolla (since December) and i never had the feeling, i want to go back to N9, because:

Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2014-04-08, 01:30
Replies: 58
Views: 25,181
Posted By DJJonosound
Re: Is it worth buying N9 in 2014?

This seems a bit harsh as a review..

Anyway - my take.
For me the main thing on the N9 that I love is the fact that it looks and feels like a modern smartphone, yet it has hackability that other...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2014-02-05, 20:39
Replies: 51
Views: 24,792
Posted By dip86
Re: Replacing housing, any non-OEM worth it?

I have previously switched out all the innards from my n9 and transferred to one of those cheap white housings from ebay. I had to use a hairdryer and really to loosen the glue and really slowly and...
Forum: The Other Half 2014-01-23, 17:45
Replies: 801
Views: 391,086
Posted By dirkvl
Re: [WIP] Building OtherHalf keyboard prototype --pre-pre-ordering started!

Okay, I have decided! I am going through with this and will try to make 100 pieces.

-The 22 heroes that have donated to me are first in line and their...
Forum: Applications 2014-01-07, 15:54
Replies: 45
Views: 20,546
Posted By alephito
Re: Current best what's app client

I have been using 0.3.4b since release day and I cannot find any bug. It works really well.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 100

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