Forum: General
2020-02-17, 19:40
Replies: 66
Views: 13,844
Forum: General
2020-02-11, 21:49
Replies: 66
Views: 13,844
Forum: Competitors
2019-11-23, 22:11
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,814
Re: Are you Ready? F(x)tec Pro 1 HW Keyboard Phone
To be honest, in the end ALL phone cameras are physically crap. The difference makes the software. Good cameras have a large sensor, Fullstop! (and a optic with more than one element)
Anyway I also...
Forum: Competitors
2019-11-21, 19:19
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,814
Forum: Competitors
2019-11-20, 00:39
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,814
Forum: Competitors
2019-11-18, 12:59
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,814
Forum: Competitors
2019-11-11, 15:02
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,814
Forum: Competitors
2019-10-04, 08:46
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,814
Forum: Competitors
2019-09-25, 16:01
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,814
Re: Are you Ready? F(x)tec Pro 1 HW Keyboard Phone
Frankly, when the devices have been manufactured, the pallets have arrived at the distribution hubs and the devices and orders have been registered in the shipping data base so they are ready to be...
Forum: Competitors
2019-08-13, 10:04
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,814
Forum: Competitors
2019-08-01, 15:50
Replies: 3,489
Views: 651,814
Forum: SailfishOS
2017-01-31, 23:46
Replies: 2
Views: 3,135
Sailfish OS apps on GitHub
GitHub seems to have just added "topics". Since almost all open source apps for Sailfish OS are on GitHub, it would be nice if we could find them all on one page. Like the forgotten sailfishapps...
Forum: Competitors
2017-01-06, 10:29
Replies: 221
Views: 93,337
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-11-24, 17:39
Replies: 64
Views: 27,841
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-10-13, 06:43
Replies: 799
Views: 291,681
Forum: General
2016-09-05, 10:39
Replies: 99
Views: 29,135
Re: Build our own device
Well, there's always crowdfunding... I actually think it wouldn't be such a bad idea. Just show that the company has a good history and is able to produce those devices with or without the...
Forum: General
2016-09-05, 09:38
Replies: 99
Views: 29,135
Re: Build our own device
I have had this idea for a long time.
I know a lot of ODMs who can provide nice ID and good spec devices. However there are other issues needs to be solved, which I think only a healthy and big...
Forum: General
2016-08-25, 23:29
Replies: 9
Views: 4,893
Re: Help nieldk
It would be great to find an honorable way to combine donation and "feature bounty" imho.
I would donate 10€ only for sysbench compiled for x86 tablet.
Rather tiresome to do this with...
Forum: Applications
2016-08-13, 09:40
Replies: 621
Views: 295,842
Forum: JollaC & Intex Aqua Fish
2016-08-03, 15:53
Replies: 29
Views: 16,710
Re: Tempered Glass for Jolla C
Application is very easy!
I am happy we did not give the maximum values to bedifol, now there is a little space to all sides.
The small gap is not disturbing at all, it actually fells better than...
Forum: JollaC & Intex Aqua Fish
2016-07-07, 14:12
Replies: 1,066
Views: 372,239
Re: Jolla C
I just called with Bedifol GmbH and they are strictly cutting Vikuiti™ foiles as a licensed partner.
We would have to look for a chinese contact, like this one :rolleyes:...
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-07-05, 06:32
Replies: 799
Views: 291,681
Re: Sailfish on Turing Phones?
I don't have that many videos, but my music collection is 51GB. That didn't even fit in N9 let alone the devices offered to public today...
Forum: SailfishOS
2016-07-04, 20:34
Replies: 799
Views: 291,681
Re: Sailfish on Turing Phones?
Not to forget expensive. Yes I know there are "cheap" data packages. Dave999 him/herself was once boasting with some €30 a month. €30 is what I spend on calls, messages and data in about 6 months....
Forum: Buy & Sell
2016-05-28, 10:59
Replies: 6
Views: 4,923
Re: WTB: Jolla C
Is it you, honey? I did not know you were secretly on this forum.
(My other half also often equates "want" with "need".)
Forum: Off Topic
2016-05-20, 16:32
Replies: 6,148
Views: 1,334,564
Re: The Future of Jolla's Tablet
I was never interested in split screen to begin with. Heck, the only time I have more than one app visible at a time on my desktop machines is when I have dual monitors connected to them. :)