Showing results 1 to 3 of 3 @ 0.37 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: ALI-C
Forum: General 2013-01-14, 04:54
Replies: 234
Views: 130,084
Posted By joerg_rw
[GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime

As some of you already might have noticed, this forum as well as all * infra is going to move to a new home, due to Nokia not providing/supporting any hosting on Nokia servers for it...
Forum: Applications 2012-05-08, 18:02
Replies: 29
Views: 16,092
Posted By Tofe
Re: anyone wanna try to get owncloud qt sync client going

Ok, here are some news:
1. I got it to compile for the N900, and
2. I got it running on my N900
3. I modified the UI slightly, to make it fit the N900 screen. It is still a bit tiny, but it...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2011-11-26, 15:47
Replies: 375
Views: 191,581
Posted By merlin1991
[Announce] CSSU stable release

I know the stable cssu has been mentioned on the forums about 3 weeks ago, and I'm happy to announce that it's finally here!

So what is the "stable" cssu?
The stable cssu is meant for all those...
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