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EIPI 2007-11-15 12:50

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by johsua (Post 95101)
The iblue pair code is 0000.

Thank you. Works now!

Can anyone confirm if A2DP is supported on OS2008, now that people have flashed their N800s. I am awaiting my BT Headset, so I cannot confirm this until it arrives (tomorrow, according to UPS). Many thanks.

Jupex 2007-11-15 13:10

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
Well I red somewhere that there is a2db support, sort of, but it is disabled atm.

technut 2007-11-16 03:29

Turning off R&D mode
Added to post #2 in this thread:

-- For step 6 in the instructions, the first flash command after you connect the N800,
sudo ./flasher-3.0 --enable-rd-mode is NOT needed.
It puts the N800 into "R&D mode", but that is not necessary for this procedure. Just skip that one.

If you have already issued that flash command, then when you complete the steps your N800 will still be in "R&D mode". It is not strictly necessary, but if you want to turn off R&D mode you'll need to use the flasher program one more time with the command:
sudo ./flasher-3.0 --disable-rd-mode

norsk 2007-11-16 21:02

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
Does anybody else have the problem of having a reboot loop after they upgrade the firmware to 2008 on n800?

I flashed according to instructions and the new firmware, both in rd-mode and without, just boots the green progress bar to completion and then reboots.
I reverted back to os 2007 several times.

The upgrade proceeds 100 % successful, all the promts are successful.
Upload 100% complete, no interruptions.

The only way I could boot into os 2008 was by passing the following arguments- flasher-3.0 --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset -f
After that the os 2008 boots into the set-up screen, but my touch-screen and buttons are not responsive, so I cannot bypass the set-up screen.

I flashed with the latest flasher from a debian unstable distro with the 2.6.15 kernel. Usb is working fine, usb transfer is fine, thinkpad 600.

technut 2007-11-16 22:53

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
No problem here... maybe your firmware image is corrupted? I'd try downloading and unpacking it again, see if that helps.

norsk 2007-11-16 23:46

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
Thanks for the suggestion

I was under the impression that there is a .bin integrity check by the installer before flashing... I will try it again tomorrow, 4 hours of "game time " is enough for one day.

YoDude 2007-11-16 23:50

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by norsk (Post 96071)
Thanks for the suggestion

I was under the impression that there is a .bin integrity check by the installer before flashing... I will try it again tomorrow, 4 hours of "game time " is enough for one day.

Did you restore any previous bits from the last OS ?

jdr93 2007-11-17 00:56

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
worked on installing the 2008 os for about three hours last night, then another 3 hours this morning, when i was a little more awake. used knoppix 5.1 run from a cd. copied the two files to the tmp directory (ram disk) and chmod(ed) flasher-3.0 then expanded RX-44. (did not see that mro was actually mr0(zero) for far too long!). the first three sudo commands went well, except that knoppix kept reporting there was no suitable usb connection. i figured out that after the n800 was in rd mode turning off the n800 (by removing and reinserting the battery) then pressing the start button (only) would allow knoppix to see the usb and perform the action called for in the sudo command. i had to start the command, turn off the tablet, reinsert the battery, then press the start button. which was ok, stupid, but ok. except that the final command (rootfs.jffs2) kept failing due to a time out problem. knoppix would report it had loaded the new os but also report an ??52 failure of some sort, due to running out of time. it sort of seemed to be loading the firmware, printing out what percentage it had reached and how fast the transfer was proceeding, then 'zip' it would report it had finished. i finally managed to figure out that turning off the tablet (removing battery) putting it back in, then running the sudo command and immediately pressing the start button would allow enough time for the os to be copied over. i don't know if the usb glitch is a problem the tablet has or knoppix has, but it definitely contributed to a frustrating series of experiences.

so that's done, i like the new os much more than the previous n800 version and am mucho grateful to our friends at nokia (huzzah!), but i have a couple questions. has anyone gotten new 4.0 gizmo to load? does the navicore software for the n800 load? and gpe calendar?

if yes, what was your process? thank you.


Rebski 2007-11-17 01:28

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
It sounds as if either you were very unlucky or some of us were very lucky, that was quite an effort but glad you got there in the end.

I can respond to your questions:

Gizmo: While I believe that it should work and that it is intended to, I am unable to install it.

Navicore: AFAIK This will not be supported in OS2008, instead we have to use the Wayfinder apps. There is a long detailed thread on this topic in existence.

GPE Calender: This is not yet compatible.

There is another detailed thread on apps that do work on OS2008 which is worth checking out.

technut 2007-11-17 01:51

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by jdr93 (Post 96096)
knoppix kept reporting there was no suitable usb connection. i figured out that after the n800 was in rd mode turning off the n800 (by removing and reinserting the battery) then pressing the start button (only) would allow knoppix to see the usb and perform the action called for in the sudo command.

That sounds like a Knoppix/USB issue. I used Ubuntu and didn't run into any trouble at all. Glad you finally got it installed though!

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