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fpp 2009-06-27 18:44

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
1 Attachment(s)
Here we go for the French update.

I found a small problem though - a very common one with such translations, actually.

In this .po snippet we have a new setting, "Scrollbar Size".

Its two values, "Small" and "Large", were already translated in the previous .po file so they're going to be re-used.

Except that in the first case, they referred to a "Style", which in French is a masculine noun. And now they refer to a "Scrollbar", for which the usual translation is a feminine noun. So we should have "Grand" and "Petit" in one place, "Grande" and "Petite" in another...

For now, as a workaround I have changed the "Scrollbar" translation to a less common, but still correct, equivalent... which happens to be masculine :-)

debernardis 2009-06-27 18:53

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Not good... In Italian there is the same problem. Plus, for the scrollbar I used the Italian translations of "narrow" and wide", feminine gender, while for chars I used masculine translations of "small" and "large".

Now, I can't find an Italian masculine term for scrollbar.

So perhaps conny could differentiate the qualifiers for characters and scrollbars? This could allow a more common French term for the latter, too.

conny 2009-06-27 18:56

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 300393)
Here we go for the French update.

Thanks a lot :)


Originally Posted by fpp (Post 300393)
I found a small problem though - a very common one with such translations, actually.

In this .po snippet we have a new setting, "Scrollbar Size".

Its two values, "Small" and "Large", were already translated in the previous .po file so they're going to be re-used.

Except that in the first case, they referred to a "Style", which in French is a masculine noun. And now they refer to a "Scrollbar", for which the usual translation is a feminine noun. So we should have "Grand" and "Petit" in one place, "Grande" and "Petite" in another...

For now, as a workaround I have changed the "Scrollbar" translation to a less common, but still correct, equivalent... which happens to be masculine :-)

That's a very good point. I was already worried that something like that will happen, but it's my first translatable app, so I had no experiences...
Well, now I know ;) and I'll consider it for the next version.

conny 2009-06-27 19:07

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 300396)
Not good... In Italian there is the same problem. Plus, for the scrollbar I used the Italian translations of "narrow" and wide", feminine gender, while for chars I used masculine translations of "small" and "large".

Now, I can't find an Italian masculine term for scrollbar.

So perhaps conny could differentiate the qualifiers for characters and scrollbars? This could allow a more common French term for the latter, too.

Ah ok, I see, then we probably should have that in this version already. The problem is that it's not so easy to change right now. Currently the keys are also the English "translation". I know this is not optimal, but I thought I'll take care of that later. So to differentiate the translations I need to differentiate the keys. I could do this by introducing keys like "scrollbar_size_small" and "font_size_small" or by using new English strings like "wide" and "narrow".

I like the first version better, but it will take much more time. What do you think: Is there a good English synonym for big/small regarding the scrollbars?

debernardis 2009-06-27 19:13

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 300399)
What do you think: Is there a good English synonym for big/small regarding the scrollbars?

English is not my mother tongue but narrow and wide seems quite appropriate in my opinion, and would solve the gender problem in more sexualized languages (oh la la'!) :rolleyes:

conny 2009-06-27 19:25

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 300403)
English is not my mother tongue but narrow and wide seems quite appropriate in my opinion, and would solve the gender problem in more sexualized languages (oh la la'!) :rolleyes:

Hmm... I don't like the word "narrow" here so much. I think I would go with "thick/thin" but I'm not a native speaker too :(
For now it should be ok and in the next version there will be unique strings for everything. Could you send me the translations for:

Scrollbar: thick / thin
Fontsize: small / large

Then I'll but it into the po file tonight.

debernardis 2009-06-27 19:54

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 300409)
Could you send me the translations for:

Scrollbar: thick / thin
Fontsize: small / large.

Barra di scorrimento: larga / stretta
Dimensione dei caratteri: piccola / grande

Thinking twice, it could be "piccola / grande" for both - now they're both feminine

conny 2009-06-27 20:11

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 300417)
Barra di scorrimento: larga / stretta
Dimensione dei caratteri: piccola / grande

I'm using those now. I'm too tired to make the release today, I probably forgot something important anyways. Hopefully I'll do it tomorrow, so there's still some time to change the French translation if needed.
For the next version I intend to fix this in a proper way.

The current po files can be seen here:

Thanks for your help :)

conny 2009-06-28 09:20

Conboy 0.5.0 released
2 Attachment(s)
Good news everyone :)

I just released version 0.5.0! It should be available as usual through the extras repository for Chinook, Diablo and Fremantle.

Changes in this release:
  • Added full text search
  • Added settings dialog
  • Added setting to switch between small and large scroll bars
  • Added setting to show note window or search window on startup
  • Added settings to change colors
  • Added support for portrait mode in Fremantle
  • Added italian translation (Thanks to debernardis)
  • Updated the UI for Fremantle
  • Updated french translation (Thanks to fpp)
  • Bug fixes

With this release I'm officially claiming to have the first orientation aware Fremantle application :D Hopefully we get some devices soon to test it out...

If you find bugs or you have feature requests, please discuss here or (even better) directly file a bug:


debernardis 2009-06-28 15:01

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
My first note had several level of indentations.
Saved, closed.
Several hours re-opened, and lots of it *lacked* - the text was simply missing while bullets were still there.
Also, when I try to nuke this note, the program exits and when started again that note is still in the list.
Started the program from command line, it says ERROR: The note with the guid [insert long alphanumeric string] could not be deleted.
So I created a new note and deleted the offending one. Allright? Nope. When program is restarted, the zombie note from hell shows again.
Go to xterm, cd .conboy, ls -a, here's the stupid note. Kill it. Start over.

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