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daperl 2009-06-02 21:02

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 293063)
IMHO there's still a big show stopper with current technology: the battery life time!
It's currently not feasible to have all on one device because the batteries run emtpy too fast.

I can do the following with an hp pavilion ze4365us laptop. Why can't I have this kind of uninterupted usage with everything?

2nd battery is charging in a battery charger or is already charged.
Battery inside device is getting low.
Plug powered power adapter into device
Swap batteries
Unplug power adapter from device
No rebooting or hibernation necessary.

What is the big f*ckin' deal?

johnkzin 2009-06-02 21:15

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 293096)
My problem with those solutions has always been this thing called battery life. I'm always bound to overuse the game player aspect of a device which leaves the battery dead for when I need to use the phone. Which is why if I'm going game I carry a dedicated gaming device, the other features can easily be combined into a phone (given enough storage size and decent specs)

If the problem is battery life, and not gadget functionality, and you're willing to carry a second box ... why not carry an external battery charging device, like a Tekkeon or U2o?

The Tekkeon MP3450 is only a little bit bigger than carrying a 2nd device, you only need to carry it when you're worried about power, can easily hide it in a gadget bag if you carry one, and it has adapters (some included in the base unit) for all of the listed devices. The MP3450i has a different set of included adapters, but I don't think it has support for USB charged devices ... and there are some other devices in that series that might apply as well.

Smaller than but without the HUGE expansion in power, is the Tekkeon TekCharge MP1800, which includes chargers for NITs, and has optional adapters for things like PSP, Garmin, Nintendo... and can charge USB devices (like HTC phones).

I'd much rather carry an external battery for a heavily used device than carry multiple devices.

(my other strategy is that I make sure I have not only a charger in my gadget bag, but a charger at work and at home ... so I don't need to keep winding and unwinding chargers at my common locations, only when I'm at non-usual places)

allnameswereout 2009-06-02 21:17

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by johnkzin (Post 293044)

I don't want to have to carry this "other device" besides my Phone. My phone should be able to do all of the things those "other [pocketable] devices" do, where those "other devices" are:
  • Mobile Phone(*) (with voice, SMS/MMS, and WWAN data)
  • Pocketable Linux/Unix computer
  • Pocketable Internet (email, IM, etc.) device
  • Pocketable full-feature/experience Web device
  • Pocketable PIM-type device
  • Pocketable Media Player
  • Pocketable Game Player
  • Pocketable GPS

(* included because, depending on your perspective, the phone might be the "primary device", or the "other device")

Any solution for my pocket where I have to get some or all of those functions by carrying "another device" is an insufficient solution.

This kind of thinking is very much applicable in this time and age where smartphones are becoming smart devices not limited to only 1 task: phoning. They can do more and more, and the general public wants this. They get more features for the same price a device with less features cost a few years ago.

There is this turning point where the amount of money invested in a dedicated device for a specific purpose (example: e-book, photographing) is worth it. Sometimes there is no other solution available. While that might be software related (missing driver or bug in driver, no port available, proprietary protocol) I usually see the reasons are hardware limits of the all-in-one device.

For many people a camera on a phone is good enough, but sometimes a SLR is really required for professionals. I imagine for some people a dedicated GPS is required. If you also take the screen into account you cannot simply optimize for stylus input, finger input, keyboard input and then make it good for browsing, e-book reading, both inside and outside in direct sunlight. Tough decisions are made during hardware design.

So we see people who'd like additional devices besides their smart device. Usually its professional items which are expensive, not casually used by the average individual. They don't always carry the additional device but my oh my, every photographer has this situation where they just wish they had their SLR with them. Having the smart device with them allows them to at least have the option to make a photograph at all. Ofcourse the quality is then not acceptable, but there might be situations where the fact you have a picture is more important than the quality. Imagine having a GPS device, as basic and archaic as it is, it got you to a point where you weren't lost anymore.

I believe also that eventually we are able to have a touchscreen more flexible to be applied. For example by making it detachable, or by having the smart device able to dock easily, or by having it able to talk over HDMI or BlueTooth. There is no reason why every device must provide its own input abilities which directly interface with the human instead of indirectly via other devices.

attila77 2009-06-02 21:22

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device
Guys, you totally lost focus. The last X posts are carbon copies of those in certain 1000+ post thread. So please, have mercy on us who are taking a break from all the speculation and focus on the topic. Thank you. :)

sachin007 2009-06-02 21:29

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by attila77 (Post 293109)
Guys, you totally lost focus. The last X posts are carbon copies of those in certain 1000+ post thread. So please, have mercy on us who are taking a break from all the speculation and focus on the topic. Thank you. :)

When the thread gets repititive it means there is not much to talk. I guess we need to wait for nokia or someone else to talk more to have some intellectual discussion.

Laughing Man 2009-06-02 22:30

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by johnkzin (Post 293106)
If the problem is battery life, and not gadget functionality, and you're willing to carry a second box ... why not carry an external battery charging device, like a Tekkeon or U2o?

The Tekkeon MP3450 is only a little bit bigger than carrying a 2nd device, you only need to carry it when you're worried about power, can easily hide it in a gadget bag if you carry one, and it has adapters (some included in the base unit) for all of the listed devices. The MP3450i has a different set of included adapters, but I don't think it has support for USB charged devices ... and there are some other devices in that series that might apply as well.

Smaller than but without the HUGE expansion in power, is the Tekkeon TekCharge MP1800, which includes chargers for NITs, and has optional adapters for things like PSP, Garmin, Nintendo... and can charge USB devices (like HTC phones).

I'd much rather carry an external battery for a heavily used device than carry multiple devices.

(my other strategy is that I make sure I have not only a charger in my gadget bag, but a charger at work and at home ... so I don't need to keep winding and unwinding chargers at my common locations, only when I'm at non-usual places)

True that solves the battery problem but it doesn't solve the problem allnameswereout pointed out. That often the dedicated devices themselves do the job better then an all in one device (much like a dedicated GPS does GPS better than the n800/n810 an all in one device). Usually I'm carrying two devices (cell phone which goes on belt) and the tablet. Three if I want to play games (though this is getting rarer and rarer as I get older due to time limitaitons). Or if I'm taking pictures that day I carry a camera. Even the iPhone (which can do all these things combined) can't do things as well as each device individually.

jandmdickerson 2009-06-02 23:32

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by bergie (Post 292905)
I also got to play with the development device, and I have to say: cool! Much faster than N810, with better keyboard and touchscreen. And Midgard2 runs! :cool:

Is the touchscreen better because it is more accurate or less pressure is needed or....was there multi-touch?:D

lbt 2009-06-03 00:02

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by jandmdickerson (Post 293138)
Is the touchscreen better because it is more accurate or less pressure is needed or....was there multi-touch?:D

ah, a question... thanks... I was getting bored and thought I'd opened "the other" thread by mistake <sigh>

Better is really hard to justify... the device was new (ie not 6 months of sticky fingers and/or screen protector) and that may be all there was to it - after all the N8x0 touch is pretty damn good.

But it did feel silky ;)

No evidence of multi-touch at all.

sachin007 2009-06-03 00:05

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device
Did you get to use the speakers? How are they in comparision to the current ones on the tablets?

GeneralAntilles 2009-06-03 00:07

Re: Some hands on time with Nokia's Maemo 5 Development Device

Originally Posted by jandmdickerson (Post 293138)
was there multi-touch?:D

It's a resistive screen.

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