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MedellinCartel 2009-11-29 01:49

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 398357)
1) To get MSN you can use aMSN or telepathy-haze. You don't need both. aMSN is a seperate client, telepathy-haze integrates with the built in client. aMSN will eventually also allow video chat (it's being worked on right now). Both are in beta stages I believe.

Extras-testing is not necessarily harmful but it's not recommended that any user that's not familar with the n900's file system and troubleshooting. For example, files may install to the /root partition instead of /opt meaning your device will fill up with memory quickly and then you will keep getting out of memory issues since /root is on a tiny tiny partition.

Though if you really want too, you could install the telepathy-haze and telepathy-butterfly and then disable the repo. But again as I pointed out above, not all programs in extras-testing will necessarily install to /opt thus you will have to clean up the files yourself once those programs do go into extras.

can you explain how to get telepathy to use aol im

nirave 2009-11-29 01:50

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
ok thanks.

no I never use video chat lol. do I need both haze & butterfly?

Thanks for all your help mate! (How risky is haze/butterfly... has any had issues with it?)

Laughing Man 2009-11-29 01:54

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
Like I said I don't have the n900, so my knowledge is based off what I've read here.

@MedellinCartel, I'm not sure if the telepathy plugins support AIM yet. They might.

@nirave, I don't know what's the specific difference between haze and butterfly. But I believe haze is for MySpaceIM and Facebook IM while butterfly is for MSN.

nirave 2009-11-29 01:56

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 398373)
Like I said I don't have the n900, so my knowledge is based off what I've read here.

@MedellinCartel, I'm not sure if the telepathy plugins support AIM yet. They might.

@nirave, I don't know what's the specific difference between haze and butterfly. But I believe haze is for MySpaceIM and Facebook IM while butterfly is for MSN.

Cool thanks very much more research now :D

sugar0 2009-11-29 01:58

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
Guys , you need Pidgin + HAZE.
It work almost good now . Note that HAZE is still in extras-devel ..

MedellinCartel 2009-11-29 02:22

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
okay after some research I i found everything i needed, thanks for all the help. hope everything goes fine, if anyone needs any help send me a message and i will help with some links i found, thanks again.

rlinfati 2009-11-29 02:33

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
i'm using telepathy-butterfly and work OK.

nirave 2009-11-29 03:05

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)

Originally Posted by MedellinCartel (Post 398398)
okay after some research I i found everything i needed, thanks for all the help. hope everything goes fine, if anyone needs any help send me a message and i will help with some links i found, thanks again.

Would certainly love the links/info mate.

PM me please :-)

Bidybag 2009-11-29 03:14

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
I am confused. Do i need Pidgin + Haze + butterfly? Or just one of them? Or two of them?

sljonson 2009-11-29 03:15

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)

Originally Posted by MedellinCartel (Post 398341)
How exactly do you install telepathy? Can anyone give a step by step, sorry I'm new to Maemo and just getting used to it.

If you are using you N900, you are using Telepathy. It's what the messaging sub-system is built on top of. To add protocol, it's just a matter of creating a plugin and installing it. When you install the telepathy-plugin-butterfly, you N900 can do MSN. When you go to add a new Account, MSN will automatically be one of the account choices.

I would not suggest a someone new to Maemo to install it just yet. It;s in the Extras testing catalog so it should be promoted to Extras soon.

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