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pthimon 2009-11-24 11:49

Re: cancelled my order - UK
I had my original 3x15%+cashback vouchers order cancelled because my credit card company (smile) declined the transaction because it was 'suspicious'.

Rang up the nokia shop yesterday and they were very unhelpful and couldn't re-order with any discount. Just rang up now and I've re-ordered with 15% discount (£424.15), but the chap couldn't give any delivery date.

mardibloke 2009-11-24 11:53

Re: cancelled my order - UK
mardibloke quidco
cgarvie 3 codes
jimus no discounts
ewan 1 code
jimcon 3 codes
daver53 3 codes
jjx 2 codes
open-collar 1 code
custard 3 codes
shaksta 3 codes
hass 2 codes
netweaver 2 codes
derrickj 1 code


cms 2009-11-24 12:50

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by mardibloke (Post 388582)
says in the FAQ that orders over 30 days old, they will try and contact you to confirm you wish to keep the order.

Were your phone contact details in order on your account for the web site?

Yes, all my contact and bank details were fine. I figured that maybe that first round of cancellations might have had something to do with the 30 day window. However, they made no attempt to contact me before order cancellation. Similarly, after the card check, no attempt to hold the order or contact me, just drops straight to cancelled. Useless, really, from a customer perspective.

w00t 2009-11-24 12:58

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by Venomrush (Post 388402)
They don't ask you to callback to 'reconfirm' the order unless you used multiple discount codes.

That *wasn't* it. Some orders had a wrong part number, others didn't. I had multiple codes, and wasn't asked to call back.

(edit: I know this because I phoned them anyway on unrelated matters and one of the blokes was ready to cancel my order and re-place it.. thankfully he transferred me over to his supervisor who realised that my part number was correct, and so it didn't get cancelled.)

Netweaver 2009-11-24 13:09

Re: cancelled my order - UK
[QUOTE=custard;388362]Just completed the Watchdog form and await the details. Might be worthwhile for others to do so:

All affected should fill it out it, it only takes a few minutes. And it wont hurt anything. Just get the flawed business process Nokia Shop (ab)uses open in the air !!!

Edit: now WITH the link :

manic 2009-11-24 13:26

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Mine was cancelled and no joy speaking to Nokia. Can I ask those that re-ordered with a 15% discount -

Has anyone reordered over the internet (to enable Quidco tracking?) or has it all been processed over the telephone?

custard 2009-11-24 13:33

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by manic (Post 388730)
Mine was cancelled and no joy speaking to Nokia. Can I ask those that re-ordered with a 15% discount -

Has anyone reordered over the internet (to enable Quidco tracking?) or has it all been processed over the telephone?

They will only do over the phone so no topcashback

pancro 2009-11-24 13:37

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by pancro (Post 388313)
I preordered in September, used no codes whatsoever and wanted to show my full support by committing to buy a product at full price without having even seen it.

Then in October my order was cancelled and I was requested to call Nokia, as opposed to them calling/emaling me to explain what had happened. OK.

The next thing I know is that yesterday my order was CANCELLED (as opposed to be put on hold) because they couldn't take money off my Barclaycard credit card. Now, unless Nokia have been living under a rock for the past 5 years, their e-commerce workflow experts must know that it's become industry practice for credit card companies to decline initially a "suspicious" (whatever it means) transaction, check with the account holder, authorise it afterwards.

That's why for example put an order on hold, verified the details with me, and everything went smoothly afterwards.

The fact that the Nokia shop is designed to freak out and CANCEL the order instead of just put it on hold until the appropriate checks are done is just poor, poor poor customer service.

I am not going to place my order again. I may as well wait for Maemo 6 since my Palm Prē has been such an excellent device so far. Bitterly disappointed by Nokia treating enthusiastic early adopters like this.

After seeing so many people being able to apply their original 15% discount, I decided to call, explained the situation, explained that I was not willing to reorder an N900 at £499 knowing that many other people were getting a 15% discount. Given the inconvenience this caused, I asked what Nokia could do for me. After speaking with his manager, the person I spoke with told me that they were only giving discounts to the people who originally preordered with a code. I explained that I felt rather stupid to place an order at £499 knowing that the next person could have done it for £424 and I was very quickly dismissed with "OK, bye".

Really bad customer experience. The more I think about it the more it saddens me. Back in September, I was so enthusiastic that I was basically willing to pay £499 to be a beta tester...

custard 2009-11-24 13:41

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by pancro (Post 388739)
After seeing so many people being able to apply their original 15% discount, I decided to call, explained the situation, explained that I was not willing to reorder an N900 at £499 knowing that many other people were getting a 15% discount. Given the inconvenience this caused, I asked what Nokia could do for me. After speaking with his manager, the person I spoke with told me that they were only giving discounts to the people who originally preordered with a code. I explained that I felt rather stupid to place an order at £499 knowing that the next person could have done it for £424 and I was very quickly dismissed with "OK, bye".

Really bad customer experience. The more I think about it the more it saddens me. Back in September, I was so enthusiastic that I was basically willing to pay £499 to be a beta tester...

Use topcashback and get 12% cashback

cgarvie 2009-11-24 13:49

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by custard (Post 388743)
Use topcashback and get 12% cashback

ive never used these sort of site, can anyone explain how they work, are there hidden catches

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