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jamie721 2010-03-08 11:45

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
i had the same problem not sim card recognised when i first got the phone i phoned vodafone and they said give a few days for sim card to activate "dont think this is your problem tho". After a reflash you will not recognise your sim card untill the system has been completly updated.

MaxyOne 2010-03-20 04:38

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by Dirkjl (Post 559705)
It has been a week now since I flashed my N900 with the vanilla firmware after that I have flashed it with the latest firmware. Haven't seen the 'no sim-card' symbol since.

What FW, did u flash? Because ive done the same thing, and now i get "internal memory error" :(
Now i use the first global FW.
If i install the second global, the phone will not recognise my mass memory.
The first global is the only one that recognise my mass memory.
ive flashed even with vanilla emmc and then the last fw. Nothing.

ABerri 2010-03-22 20:28

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
I've finally and successfully flashed my firmware using Maemo Flasher. I used a computer with XP instead of Vista which was the culprit of it not working earlier.

I flashed my phone with the latest Global Firmware. I still have the "No Sim Problem" every few minutes or every hour or so. All I do is open and close the keyboard and the Sim Re-registers. I'm thinking maybe I should flash the eMMC as well using Vanilla?

I guess I'll try that next time when I'm at my friends house since he has the XP Computer.

ABerri 2010-03-23 18:41

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Wow now I'm having that "No Sim" problem more than ever! Ever since I flashed to Global Firmware, this phone loves to display this "No Sim" everytime the keyboard is opened or closed! I guess flashing will not resolve.

How is Nokia Care handling this issue? Does anyone know? I wonder if they are repairing it by just flashing with the latest USA Firmware (which I know it won't fix the problem) or will they actually exchange my phone out for a new one?

sentfromheaven 2010-03-24 01:38

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
hey people,
well i flashed my phone to latest global firmware, then i lost all the pre-loaded software like pictures and ringtones etc..
so then i flashed back to the latest UK firmware, and i now have the sim card unrecognised problem.

any ideas?
I dont want to go back to the global firmware, cus i quite like the themes and images that are pre loaded.! :(..

EDIT: installed all the firmware updates, latest was 92.7mb, and now everything is working, and even better than before. :) phew!! good luck everyone.

maddler 2010-05-09 23:42

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
1 Attachment(s)
Just did some testing to try to better understand what's wrong with some sim cards.

What I found is that, most likely, is not with the card itself but with cell towers or at least something not directly related to my N900.

I'm running attached script (which basically tries to read IMSI from inserted SIM), this way I can detect whenever a SIM reading error happens.

I did my test on:

1) H3G ITA, 3G connection, home network
2) TIM IT, 2.5G connection, roaming network

As far as I was able to see errors are more frequent while on my home network than when the on TIM. Here is a sample result:

101010012032 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 2398 seconds. Battery chrg status false <-- I was on TIM before
101010012042 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 11 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012123 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 40 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012134 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 11 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012144 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 10 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012202 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 18 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012203 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 1 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012204 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 1 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012205 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 1 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012206 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 1 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012208 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 2 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012312 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 64 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012338 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 26 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012404 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 26 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012452 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 48 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012503 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 11 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012518 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 15 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012529 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 11 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012555 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 26 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012602 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 7 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012641 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 39 seconds. Battery chrg status false
101010012712 - ALERT! SIM ERROR! After 31 seconds. Battery chrg status false

I have the feeling that the issue is related to two specific towers close to my house. I'll be running same tests tomorrow on another location and I'll compare them.

santiago 2010-05-09 23:52

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized

Originally Posted by sentfromheaven (Post 579613)
hey people,
well i flashed my phone to latest global firmware, then i lost all the pre-loaded software like pictures and ringtones etc..
so then i flashed back to the latest UK firmware, and i now have the sim card unrecognised problem.

any ideas?
I dont want to go back to the global firmware, cus i quite like the themes and images that are pre loaded.! :(..

EDIT: installed all the firmware updates, latest was 92.7mb, and now everything is working, and even better than before. :) phew!! good luck everyone.

reinstall the CMT radio files

maddler 2010-05-10 18:12

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Well, it looks like the error, in my case, is only triggered by two H3G ITA cells towers covering my house. I had no problems, both with H3G and TIM, until when I came back home right now. Strange.

maddler 2010-05-14 11:32

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
simple script which can help you, at leat if you can roam to a different network while on 2G

HTML Code:


echo "$(date +%Y/%d/%y:%H.%M.%S) -- START" >> /var/log/checksim.log
echo $$ > /var/run/

while true; do

        INTERVAL=`date +%S`
        IMSI=`dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply /com/nokia/phone/SIM Phone.Sim.get_imsi 2>/dev/null | grep string | cut -f 5 -d " " | sed "s/\"//g"`
        TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y/%d/%y:%H.%M.%S`
        case $INTERVAL in
                        echo "$TIMESTAMP -- MARK"  >> /var/log/checksim.log

                if [ -z $IMSI ]; then
                        sleep 5 
                        echo "$TIMESTAMP -- moving to 2G" >> /var/log/checksim.log
                        dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/phone/net Phone.Net.set_selected_radio_access_technology byte:1
                        dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications org.freedesktop.Notifications.SystemNoteDialog string:"SWITCH TO 2G!" uint32:0 string:"OK"

                        sleep 3600

                        TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y/%d/%y:%H.%M.%S`           
                        echo "$TIMESTAMP -- moving back to 3G/dual" >> /var/log/checksim.log
                        dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/phone/net Phone.Net.set_selected_radio_access_technology byte:0
        sleep 1

just launch while in terminal. It will switch to 2G on SIM error. Connection will be moved back to "dual" after 3600 secs.

Have fun.

uddas 2010-05-19 17:21

Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
hi guys i have try every thing that you all disscuss back in this topic i did global version i did other on with emmc.i change the sim card as well but still having the same problum sim card not recognised what should i do now

any one have an idea what is it all about
help me up

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