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qwerty12 2010-02-21 22:52

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
Erm, rmoravcik has no control over what happens when the lens cover is flipped open. The closed-source Camera application - running in the background - is programmed to listen to the signal that is emitted upon the event of the cover being opened. There's dodgy workarounds scattered around on this forum to make the Camera application not able to listen to these events but, being dodgy, I'd love to see them integrated into the applet. :)

Best bet is to vote here:

peacekeper 2010-05-13 16:53

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
i cant find flaslight in the app manager, the thing is i remember i downloaded but i cant find it on my cell

kiralema 2010-05-13 18:45

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
To: peacekeper

Open camera cover, close the camera application, then click on the status bar and scroll until you see the Flashlight status. You can change it from "Off" to "On" and vice versa.

peacekeper 2010-05-13 18:57

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
kiralema thks for the info, yeap the flashlight is there thks once again.

F2thaK 2010-05-19 06:00

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
cant remember the thread, but someone was making an app to customize the camera lens actions, IE when you open lens, asks you if you want to use camera/flashlight/other...... I remember they said wait for pr1.2, well I have the "RC" so would this work and is it available?????


F2thaK 2010-05-19 06:57

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
bump, above post?? anyone

rmoravcik 2010-05-19 07:11

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 665448)
bump, above post?? anyone

I'm working on such thing, but I didn't release anything yet :-) Maybe someone else is doing the same thing too.

Using my launcher you will be able to redefine preferred application (eg. opening cover will start different application then camera app) or simple application selector dialog will show up or simply nothing happen when you open lens cover.

F2thaK 2010-05-19 07:41

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
okay cool thanks... im willing to test !!

Soap77 2010-05-19 12:23

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
I´m also willing to try.

I would like to start flashlight when open the lens cover.
a "hard" push on the camera button should start the camera application.

F2thaK 2010-05-19 12:30

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
cool, but i want features and settings !!!!!



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