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gohan2091 2010-01-03 04:33

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by OptX (Post 450609)
Have it from here :

Some a dead pixel could be software? On a PC, I can print screen with the printscreen button. How can I do this on an n900? My 'dead' pixels are white in colour and only appear on dark backgrounds, on red, green, yellow etc I don't see them. On black and blue I do.

I've ran a video thats suppose to cure this problem but it didn't help. It did however turn one of my pixels red.

Magel282 2010-01-03 12:00

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
I thought I would post another picture of a different area of my screen where I am seeing 'dead' pixels. In the first photo I have circled the area red in which I will zoom in the next picture.

The blue circles are sources of light which I cannot see with my eyes but are being picked up by the camera. These tiny light sources are all over the screen with suggests the area between the pixels has been poorly sealed.

You may need to adjust your monitors brightness to full to see the first picture properly.

Again the light source does not appear to be one of the pixels but rather some light leaking from behind the lcd panel between the pixels. Does anyone else agree?

Can someone else please take some pictures of their suspect pixels as I'd love to compare them.

Bec 2010-01-03 12:18

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
Mine's korean too!

stevelee24 2010-01-03 12:33

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
i have 1 dead pixel have had it since i first got it, to be honest you never notice it so it has not bothered me

viegas 2010-01-03 14:50

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
This will be the first thing that i will do as soon as I get the n900. I hate dead pixels!

bushnaq 2010-01-03 15:41

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
I have 1 stuck pixel (appears only in dark backgrounds) and I have been running the LCD Screen Fix website for days and till now its still there! :(

m0par 2010-01-03 16:42

My first n900 had alot of dead pixels
My first n900 had a single pixel dead/stuck (not sure of the correct terminology -- it was always white) in one corner and a large blob of at least 8 right smack dab in the middle of the screen.

It also had a severe reboot issue.

Luckily, the replacement doesn't have a single problem pixel, nor have I experienced any spontaneous reboots (knock on wood).

mysticrokks 2010-01-03 16:45

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
i have one that moves about sometimes.

mullf 2010-01-03 16:46

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by mysticrokks (Post 451345)
i have one that moves about sometimes.

You sure you don't have an insect under the screen? :p

mysticrokks 2010-01-03 16:48

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
could be, i think its a nanobot tho

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