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santiago 2010-03-26 01:53

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 581726)
yes, i understand that you accuse nokia and tmo when the real guilty is your countrys consumer protection.

the bright spots are life. if you are unable to comply the rules and conditions in your country, you should not make 600eur investments at all.

electronic devices have always some rate for defect units and it is impossible to separate every broken one unless the price is tenfold and delivery time 3 months more.

so don't hate the player, hate the game.

yeah... but nokia has to control it!!! nokia has to investigate and ask us what we think about a new device!!! why nokia doesnt retrieve the devices to change the lcd screens??? why dont they do like in bl5c battery stocks????

palwinder_g 2010-03-27 11:19

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
ya i noticed a bright spot too on right corner of my set...... am really sad.....after such a good handset these things shoud not have come in the first should improve its R and D department not just assemble things........

Thats it! 2010-04-13 20:05

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Damn I also have two great big white blotches on my screen.
Woah still over 1 1/2 years to go!!

awesome 2010-06-02 23:46

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
Me too.. Damn!

Somebody should make a pool for this, I would do it but I'm too afraid of moderators :p

maxximuscool 2010-06-02 23:56

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
I got a quite grey spot and brighter spot too but I'm sure it is just the pressurised screen when assembled

gabby131 2010-06-03 00:15

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
i conduct a "deadpixel" test on my n900 using the awesome healthcheck app. i saw one, but after reboot, it was gone

5416u0d 2010-06-03 00:38

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
i too have two bright spots! i though it was something i unknowingly caused.

rjcooke 2010-06-03 11:02

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
I've got the dual bright spots as well.

kyllerbuzcut 2010-06-03 11:18

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
I've got a spot too I think. Thought it was where the bulb for the backlight is or something, until I saw this thread. Mine is right in middle of display, and only visible in vertain lighting conditions. Even then it's hardly noticeable really, which is why I thought it's kinda supposed to be there, lighting the screen.Guess it's not then?

rfekm 2010-06-03 15:55

Re: Bright spot or spots on display / LCD
damn,i have 2 of them in the center.pretty anoying.unfortunetly there is no warranty for n900 in iran so i cant do anything about it.
damn i shouldant have read this post

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