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changan 2010-02-16 17:31

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
I am upset that Meego will not run on my new N900 got it last week. I am thinking of return and wait for next series.

G66J 2010-02-16 17:32

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 529999)
They are, that you think they aren't shows how little you know. Everything that is closed is in user space, the kernel is fully open even if not all drivers are upstream yet.

Thanks for correcting me. And yes it may show how little I know but no need to be condescending.

felbutss 2010-02-16 18:04

Re: Renaming "Maemo 6" to MeeGo / Harmattan
soo one question.

will the n900 get meeGo.

'YES' or 'NO'

buurmas 2010-02-16 18:28

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by openfone (Post 529910)
One of the major reasons I bought a n900 over an iPhone was the ethos of apple releasing a new OS/upgrade and then forcing you to buy a new phone as well. I will be very very unhappy if Nokia does the same.

I wouldn't hold your breath. Versions of Maemo have been pretty hardware-specific so far & Nokia hasn't put forth the effort to backport OR continue to fix bugs on old OS versions. Not saying you won't be pleasantly surprised, but your best bet, I think, is:

* Getting community support for the OS one day (Mer?)
* Getting more N900 apps due to the Qt compatibility (crumbs that fall from the MeeGo table, so to speak)

geohsia 2010-02-16 19:29

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by DaveR53 (Post 529326)
Maemo 6 looked to mainly be a progression of Maemo 5, so I'd assume that if you are using the same libraries for your application, it's likely it will work on both Maemo 5 and 6/MeeGo.

I'd be careful about making assumptions. I have not heard anyone make binary compatibility commitments.


Originally Posted by DaveR53 (Post 529326)
Look at most Linux distributions, Ubuntu 8 applications don't just stop working because Ubuntu 9 is out, aslong as the userland toolkits (gtk/qt) are up to date it should 'just work'.

You mean like the way Maemo 5 packages 'just work' on Maemo 4?

Kajko 2010-02-16 19:54

Re: Renaming "Maemo 6" to MeeGo / Harmattan

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 530128)
soo one question.

will the n900 get meeGo.

'YES' or 'NO'

It's funny how this very important question is being constantly ignored by Nokia.

Except for simple one liners about being able to use MeeGo apps on the N900. Whooopie.

Answer the damn question Nokia !


ewan 2010-02-16 20:08

Re: Renaming "Maemo 6" to MeeGo / Harmattan

Originally Posted by Kajko (Post 530415)
It's funny how this very important question is being constantly ignored by Nokia.

Has it occurred to anyone that they might simply not know yet?

EMAD 2010-02-16 20:47

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
I am thinking of sending this e-mail to Nokia...

What do you guys think???


What's going to happen to the N900 with the new Meego?

I have been putting in a good word everywhere about my new phone and will be extremely upset if it is outdated within a year with the coming of Meego.

I understand that Meego is an evolution of Maemo. But if you knew that Meego was coming, why did you sell the N900 with Maemo 5? Why didn't you wait? Why did you sell to us a product (maemo) which was gonna be the last of its kind and give us hopes that there will be so much software, support AND BRAND RECOGNITION for it?

I want Meego on my phone. I want my Maemo to be called Meego because I did not buy spend $800 Canadian to buy a phone that was going to be outdated within a few months.

If that is the case, consider this my last purchase from Nokia ever!

I know it is too early to determine what you will do with the N900... but be assured that I am the only one in my community of friends and co-workers that owns a Nokia N900. I have constantly been telling off people with Blackberries and iPhones that Nokia product is better.

But if Nokia doesn't support the wish of its N900 customers, then be assured that I will spread my horrible experience with Nokia until the day I die!

russo_br 2010-02-16 20:59

Re: Renaming "Maemo 6" to MeeGo / Harmattan

Originally Posted by ewan (Post 530447)
Has it occurred to anyone that they might simply not know yet?

Nokia surely could know if they will support an upgrade to Meego on N900... in my opinion they didn't decided yet to commit with the upgrade or not!!

For now at least the official statements were somewhat evasive... N900 was mentioned but only regarding the increase of available applications due Qt.

Kajko 2010-02-16 21:05

Re: Renaming "Maemo 6" to MeeGo / Harmattan

Originally Posted by russo_br (Post 530562)
Nokia surely could know if they will support an upgrade to Meego on N900... in my opinion they didn't decided yet to commit with the upgrade or not!!

For now at least the official statements were somewhat evasive... N900 was mentioned but only regarding the increase of available applications due Qt.

They are afraid if they say "no" to a MeeGo upgrade on the N900 it will hurt sales.

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