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gojira 2010-05-25 21:09

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by Odeh (Post 676438)
- extra-divil not working

I'll see your extra-devel not working at raise you an everything but ovi not working. Was working fine briefly, then getting errors resolving urls and now i'm stuck with just ovi.

Think I might try reflashing...

michalurban 2010-05-25 21:11

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Wichall (Post 677090)
Auto capitalisation text boxes no longer allow me to press shift to get a lower case first character, I have to press any key first then go back and delete, sucks for password boxes and touchsearch (using the case-sensitive site: prefix).

Anyone else experiencing this?

I am ... :confused:

DrWilken 2010-05-25 21:12

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Wichall (Post 677090)
Auto capitalisation text boxes no longer allow me to press shift to get a lower case first character, I have to press any key first then go back and delete, sucks for password boxes and touchsearch (using the case-sensitive site: prefix).

Anyone else experiencing this?

I noticed this too... Pretty annoying but i just write an extra letter in front and delete it afterwards... ;)

Like instead for writing lowercase I write Llowercase and delete the L.

michalurban 2010-05-25 21:13

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by gojira (Post 677094)
I'll see your extra-devel not working at raise you an everything but ovi not working. Was working fine briefly, then getting errors resolving urls and now i'm stuck with just ovi.

Think I might try reflashing...

I can refresh Extras-devel, but afterwards Im unable to install some apps, (eg. Extra protocol plugins for conversations and contacts) ...

elepedus 2010-05-25 21:13

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I can confirm that I have the same issue as Michal Urban with IM (skype and Y!) contacts not showing in the conversation window when I go to new IM.

Also, the conversation widget doesn't work for me.

As a side note, any idea what the new virtual keyboard should bring over and above the old one? I'm struggling to see much improvement.

michalurban 2010-05-25 21:16

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
With PR 1.1, I used to use a script from Thomas Tanner, moving many files from root outside the rootfs to make some place ...


# N900 script to safely free space on rootfs
# (c) 2010 by Thomas Tanner <>
# licensed under GPLv3

# move root stuff to /home
dirs="usr/share/icons usr/share/nokia-maps usr/share/themes usr/share/fonts usr/share/locale usr/lib/locale var/lib/apt"
#optional: var/lib/dpkg
if test -d /home/var/cache/apt; then
  # keep existing apt cache
  rm -rf /var/cache/apt
  ln -s /home/var/cache/apt /var/cache/apt
  dirs="$dirs var/cache/apt"
(cd / && du -sc $dirs)
for d in $dirs; do
    test -L /$d && continue
    echo moving /$d
    rm -rf /home/$d
    mkdir -p /home/$d
    cp -a /$d /home/$d/..
    rm -rf /$d
    ln -s /home/$d /$d

Is it still safe to use this, with 1.2?

Wichall 2010-05-25 21:16

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
You can drag your finger to change letters which is quite nice and I find it much easier to type.

I'll create a bug report for the upper case typing thing at some point, no hurry though, got months before the possiblity it might be fixed in a new update...

gojira 2010-05-25 21:16

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by michalurban (Post 677102)
I can refresh Extras-devel, but afterwards Im unable to install some apps, (eg. Extra protocol plugins for conversations and contacts) ...

At what stage does it fail, mine was craping out at the download stage, just sat there

DrWilken 2010-05-25 21:28

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by michalurban (Post 677107)
With PR 1.1, I used to use a script from Thomas Tanner, moving many files from root outside the rootfs to make some place ...


Is it still safe to use this, with 1.2?

Have You checked how much available space there is in rootfs now? ;)

Lot's of Maemo stuff has been moved out of rootfs... :cool:


michalurban 2010-05-25 21:30

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by gojira (Post 677109)
At what stage does it fail, mine was craping out at the download stage, just sat there

Either the App Manager says something like "unable to install" - while before installation it says OK - or, when using apt-get, it ends with some problems with configuring during installation (some stuff with --configure) ... Sorry I cant say more, but I dont remember anymore and dont want to get again into this deep s**t ... :)

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