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smoku 2010-06-08 10:29

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by zod (Post 705022)
added =true to end so you dont miss any nice pictures.

Please see OpenDUNE site for explanation why they left the check in place. I tend to agree and won't remove the check.

Cobra 2010-06-08 15:35

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
I cant figure out the scurity question does anybody have a link to the questions? I tried googleing but found nothing. Thanks

ndi 2010-06-08 15:41

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
They're in the manual, if you own the game. I don't know what legal implications are. I will say that Google has the answers, look harder.

Only problem is I can't type numbers so I have to retry a few times until I get a no-number answer.

haj 2010-06-09 10:29

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
I also have problems with the game crashing, but I guess that's a bit harder to fix... Does everyone have those problems?

Save often.. :)

ndi 2010-06-09 15:43

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
It's odd, sometimes it crashed 3 times in the same mission. Other times I played for hours. Don't have an explanation - but because it lags when playing sound I disabled sound and music. No crashes.

haj 2010-06-09 18:35

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
I disabled sound as well.. but still have crashes..

ThomasAH 2010-06-10 13:03

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Thank you very much Smoku for porting OpenDUNE to the N900. Used to love this game, especially playing the evil Harkonnen ;) Installed it onto the N900 and it works fine, despite occassional freezes and crashes (as mentioned here before).

I read through the 10 pages here and tried to change some config myself (in which I failed). Still have some questions:
- The game is not full screen. Is it possible to make this so?
- I can hear the (awesome) sound effects, but there is no music. Is this a MIDI issue or...?

Thanks and keep up the wonderful work! :)

KoolMoeDee 2010-06-18 12:29

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Hi everyone

DUNE came into maemo extras today (not testing or devels).

So I downloaded it and while installing it, it came up with unable to install opendune.

So when I had a look at my applications opendune was there so I tried to open it but what happens is that a blank screen comes up for about 5 secs then it just goes back to the main slide menu.

So I tried to uninstall it but the application is nto in the list of app to uninstall.

So any suggestions please.....

Jay92 2010-06-18 12:39

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
I think dunes ok..

IzzehO 2010-06-18 13:31

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by KoolMoeDee (Post 720448)
Hi everyone

DUNE came into maemo extras today (not testing or devels).

So I downloaded it and while installing it, it came up with unable to install opendune.

So when I had a look at my applications opendune was there so I tried to open it but what happens is that a blank screen comes up for about 5 secs then it just goes back to the main slide menu.

So I tried to uninstall it but the application is nto in the list of app to uninstall.

So any suggestions please.....

Go into xterminal and type:
root (you need rootsh installed)
apt-get install opendune

What you'll probably find is the same issue as me in that it can't download the data files. I never found a neat solution to it I'm afraid.. maybe someone else can help.

If you want to get rid of it..

apt-get remove opendune

Will work.

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