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woody14619 2010-06-14 22:49

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
What I'd really love to see is the T9-like entry being used by this project with this input method. Putting these two projects together would really make one kick-butt program. :)

Great work to all on this! It looks really nice.

While I'm commenting... :) How hard would it be to make the text entry screen semi-transparent? Being able to see the background screen would be really nice. Not at all something needed, but something to put in the "low priority" queue for when you start to run out of ideas/bugs for this app. :)

Mentalist Traceur 2010-06-14 22:50

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
mrbungle, if you had read this thread carefully you would have known that no, you're not the only one. I reported the same bug like the very night this keyboard hit extras-devel. Within hours of getting it. It was, I believe, my first post here.

I didn't call it "enter key doesn't work", I just said text doesn't get entered/saved to the text boxes in-browser. I also gave a description of how the vkb worked with Midori, and Firefox. (Since then I tested Tear, and it's similarly glitchy.)

Does the enter key, itself, work? Not the hide keyboard key that is supposed to enter the text into the box when you close the keyboard, but the literal enter key (called "Return" on some keyboards)? As far as i can tell it works everywhere it can: IE the same as any other letter, but it doesn't end up actually interacting with whatever textbox you're working with.

eitama 2010-06-14 22:52

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by eternal (Post 713915)
Finally had an hour to spare and modified w00t+frals' source for qwerty support

I've sent a merge request so its over to w00t/frals to determine its inclusion, However let me know what you think of the layout ideas (even as simplistic as it is).



You can't really see it, but I am bowing right now.
How will this work with ukeyboard and other languages?

maxximuscool 2010-06-14 22:55

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
Could you try merge this project with FastSMS?

andrew_85 2010-06-14 22:55

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by eitama (Post 715345)
You can't really see it, but I am bowing right now.
How will this work with ukeyboard and other languages?

this looks great!!!

cjard 2010-06-14 23:19

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by Laughingstok (Post 706503)
While you guys are at it, what about adding a cool feature that shaking the n900 for 2 seconds will erase all text? :D

no thanks..

Mentalist Traceur 2010-06-14 23:23

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
I don't know about ukeyboard. Other languages will have to be localized to it. ie you'd have to write extra code for the plugin to support other languages - but it should be easy to make that system workable once the actual english version is done.

As for merge requests, one, I assure you, frals and w00t aren't oblivious to these projects. For starters, unless they are way ahead of this one, I doubt much of the source code is useful for this project. Furthermore, every SMS project so far is just for messaging that I know of. This is a universal keyboard. Unless there's something that code has that this keyboard could significantly benefit from, there's no point in combining them. I would advise a combination of efforts though, but that's up to the developers.

- Edit -

Of course, I encourage the actual people working on this to correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just getting contrary because people seem to be spending more time asking for stuff and less time contributing with at the very least, bug reports.

w00t 2010-06-14 23:31

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
@eternal: wow! dude, serious kudos. That kind of off-the-cuff contribution is exactly what I wanted to see when we dusted this plugin off, and its nice to see you delivered.

I've left a few comments on your MR, if you could take a look, I'd appreciate it.

I'd still like to see T9, but realistically, unless we can find more people with clue of hildon-im and/or gtk who want to pitch in, it probably won't happen, and qwerty is the best bet. Especially since frals and I both work on other things, so it's not like we have full time to put work into learning h-i-m, etc. So we'll probably go with your suggestion I think.

It's still not that bad a solution, as it does allow for portrait input, I'll just have to continue to wish that my fingers were smaller. ;)

w00t 2010-06-14 23:31

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
re: bugs on browser/etc, I know they're there (I use this keyboard fulltime), I just have not *yet* had the time to track them down. I'm devoting some time to a new FaceBrick release first.

Benson 2010-06-14 23:32

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by eitama (Post 715345)
You can't really see it, but I am bowing right now.

I'm bowing (er... kneeling) too, but you can see it...


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