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Twidi 2010-09-21 20:37

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
i'll reply to you guys in few hours, not the time right now.

Just a word about the bug described by fpp, i did a quick update for this couple of hours ago

fpp 2010-09-22 19:33

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Hmm, there's been a lot going on today :-)

Just a quick question :

I grew tired of repeatedly downloading the Tar archive from Github, especially as it was often out of date (though less so, strangely than the Zip). Then untarring, renaming, etc.

So like you & grog I apt-get-installed git-core and learned the two commands needed to clone & update GRead on my N900 (first time I ever used a VCS :-).

Seems to work quite well, and makes it much easier to keep up.

The only unpleasant part is that the git-core package does not seem to be "optified" : apt-get pulled in about 7 Megs, and after that my free rootfs was down by roughly the same amount...

Is there any way around that ?

Twidi 2010-09-23 03:03

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Frank Banul : for the titles options i'll add some settings soon. For the sort by date , older first, i know it's possible with google reader but it's not actually possible with the lib i use. I put it on my todo and i'll check this later. (and of course you can propose path on github via your own fork)

hotzigetty & SallyJane : no, not packaged... i should do this quickly, really !

fpp : doni really don't know about the git package, sorry

Now, some news from GRead :
  • internal work to separate "basic" ui and special maemo5 one (which is based on the "basic" one and add only stuff like orientation, information boxes), with auto-detection of which one should be activated. It's now easier to add more views (fpp, you could look at this if you want to do a maemo4 view mode)
  • correct some bugs in navigation
  • change the O shortcut from "change orientation" to "open the currently selected category/feed/item". To change orientation the shortcut is now "shift-O"
  • change the color of the text in selected rows to the good one. grog, it was the only color that wasn't the good one, so now it should work in your theme)
  • add the "U" shortcut to the feed list to switch between all and unread only mode (this shortcut was already available in the item list)
  • set the tooltips of the arrows (item content view) to the titles of previous and next items. And hide these arrows when not needed
  • better count of unread on the feed list
  • resolve bug where friends items where also counted as shared items
  • handle more timeout errors (not sure, need more tests)

Only minor things (except the work on separating basic and maemo ui), but it's better day after day (i use it a lot, every day)

fpp 2010-09-23 08:14

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 823990)
[*] internal work to separate "basic" ui and special maemo5 one (which is based on the "basic" one and add only stuff like orientation, information boxes), with auto-detection of which one should be activated. It's now easier to add more views (fpp, you could look at this if you want to do a maemo4 view mode)

I'd gathered as much :-)

Now I need to find some example code of PyQt for Maemo4 to see what's reasonably possible to "Hildonize" an app on that platform...


Only minor things (except the work on separating basic and maemo ui), but it's better day after day
Indeed ! Minor but always useful... it's the little details that make the difference between a so-so app and a great one :-)


(i use it a lot, every day)
So do I. It's been a good while since I used anything else than GRead on the N900, and I sorely miss it on the N810...

fpp 2010-09-23 11:37

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 823990)
Read :
  • change the O shortcut from "change orientation" to "open the currently selected category/feed/item". To change orientation the shortcut is now "shift-O"

Actually, there is *one* thing I don't find useful, and even less practical than before, and that's the one above.

Why rebind "O" to "open" when Enter already did that just fine ? And plain "O" was a lot easier to change orientation at the start of a session...

A side question while I'm at it :

When I'm in src/views/maemo5/, in the View class, near the update_*_title() methods... is there an easy way I can access the feed name for the item being displayed ?... :-)

Frank Banul 2010-09-23 13:45

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
So no one has mentioned this so it makes me think I'm the only one seeing this...

In item view, using the on screen next/previous buttons seems a bit off. If you press the next button, >, then on the next screen, the "mouse" is still over the next button so the tooltip just sits there with the item highlighted and flashes until you click somewhere else.

I tried to fix this but was unsuccessful.


fpp 2010-09-23 15:56

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
I mostly use landscape with keyboard so I might not have noticed in my quick tests.

I'll look closer in portrait when home...

Frank Banul 2010-09-23 16:32

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 824479)
I mostly use landscape with keyboard so I might not have noticed in my quick tests.

I'll look closer in portrait when home...

Sorry if I wasn't clear, this is in landscape mode.

And I too prefer keyboard but would like to have touchscreen control, but having to click twice seems like a problem.


fpp 2010-09-23 19:36

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Ah yes, I had managed not to see the little buggers on first try... mental block, probably : first we had the scrolling marquee titles, and now the blinking arrow tooltips... will it ever end ? :-)

Distracting, yes, and they don't always seem to appear. However, I couldn't reproduce your having to click the arrows twice. Maybe you're supposed to hit them *between* blinks ? :-)

Frank Banul 2010-09-23 19:40

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 824678)
Distracting, yes, and they don't always seem to appear. However, I couldn't reproduce your having to click the arrows twice. Maybe you're supposed to hit them *between* blinks ? :-)

They appear whenever there is mouse activity it seems. But if you use one by clicking on next for example, the virtual mouse location stays where you last clicked. So now on the next page, the next button stays highlighted and the tool tip flashes until you click anywhere else on the screen besides the next button.

It's not that you have to click the button twice to get the next item. It's that you have to click it once to get the next item and then click outside of the button area to let it fade away and stop putting the tool tip up.


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