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-   -   [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers and shut down WLAN complitely [0.2.2 in extras] (

casketizer 2011-06-14 02:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers
Yeah, exactly that was my suggestion/idea. Laasonen said he would look into it but no news as of now. :)

nafajafam 2011-06-14 03:26

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers
could someone please guide me: after un-compressing, what files do i need to install? i already have power kernel v47 installed.
thank you.

frostbyte 2011-06-14 04:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers

Originally Posted by nafajafam (Post 1028622)
could someone please guide me: after un-compressing, what files do i need to install? i already have power kernel v47 installed.
thank you.

1. Install the Wlan Driver Selector Applet from Extras-Testing repo

2. Select the applet on your desktop applet bar (with clock, battery, profile etc)

3. Select the option to download the file

4. MicroB browser will open and you have the option to select location for the download (choose "Nokia N900" if you want it in ~/MyDocs)

5. Extract the wl1251-maemo-0.1.tar.gz file (~140MB) to /home/user/MyDocs

in X-Terminal:


sudo gainroot
cd /home/user/MyDocs
tar -zxvf wl1251-maemo-0.1.tar.gz

6. Re-select the applet and point to the location of the driver:


laasonen 2011-06-14 11:30

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers

Originally Posted by casketizer (Post 1028604)
Yeah, exactly that was my suggestion/idea. Laasonen said he would look into it but no news as of now. :)

Forgot all about it. I did this on the morning:


Originally Posted by frostbyte (Post 1028630)
5. Extract the wl1251-maemo-0.1.tar.gz file (~140MB) to /home/user/MyDocs

in X-Terminal:


sudo gainroot
cd /home/user/MyDocs
tar -zxvf wl1251-maemo-0.1.tar.gz

6. Re-select the applet and point to the location of the driver:


I wouldn't do that. It wastes over 140MB of space from MyDocs and of course time, if you only want the drivers. And why would you need root's permissions for extracting something to MyDocs?
Better way:

cd MyDocs #Assuming you are in your home dir, otherwise cd ~/MyDocs
tar zxvf wl1251-maemo-0.1.tar.gz --strip 2 wl1251-maemo/binary/compat-wireless/

And then select MyDocs/compat-wireless from the applet.

casketizer 2011-06-14 11:47

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers
Very nice! Thanks! :)

Did you upload it already? Don't see an update.

laasonen 2011-06-14 12:06

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers

Originally Posted by casketizer (Post 1028851)
Very nice! Thanks! :)

Did you upload it already? Don't see an update.

No. I'll upload it later.

casketizer 2011-06-14 12:06

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers
Sweet. Thanks!

nafajafam 2011-06-14 16:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers
works like a charm. reception quality and range seems to have increased a lot. thank you very much.

laasonen 2011-06-15 08:42

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers
I have been having some trouble, bricked my phone and had trouble with couple bugs, but the 0.2.0 is now in extras-devel.

Biggest improvements are download wizard which downloads/installs the drivers with couple clicks and possibility to shut down wlan completely. There are also couple other improvements.

ajack 2011-06-15 09:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Wlan Driver Selector Applet - Switch easily between stock and bleeding edge drivers

Originally Posted by laasonen (Post 1029473)
I have been having some trouble, bricked my phone and had trouble with couple bugs, but the 0.2.0 is now in extras-devel.

Biggest improvements are download wizard which downloads/installs the drivers with couple clicks and possibility to shut down wlan completely. There are also couple other improvements.

Hi laasonen, can I suggest the text next to the wifi logo say "Stock" or "Bleeding Edge" as it can be rather confusing to know which driver is running. As for the on/off button, instead of the current icon, use a wifi image with and without a slash across it to indicate it's status... other than that, I simply love your app... :)

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