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POost 2007-07-18 07:01

Re: Mozilla-based Browser for the Nokia N800
This new browser is great news!
Google can now do much of the missing PIM-stuff. And I remember feeling frustrated that I couldn't open locally stored .htm-files in Opera*, this new browser does that without a problem.

One thing: the "fit to width" option seems to work a bit differently from the Opera-version, it feels a bit more clumsy.

(* disclaimer: my memories turn hazy after a couples of weeks. Maybe it wasn't Operas fault, maybe it was just me not finding out how to do it)

chilko 2007-07-18 08:01

Re: Mozilla-based Browser for the Nokia N800

Originally Posted by disq (Post 60692)
Tip: To enable the "default browsing switcher menu", to be able to switch to Opera, close all instances of the web browser, and edit /home/user/.browser and make "hidden=true"

That way you don't have to uninstall it if you need Opera.

can i ask for a detailed instructions for this? i'm a total newbie with linux.

geneven 2007-07-18 08:15

Re: Mozilla-based Browser for the Nokia N800
Yes, I have to admit this is impressive, and more than makes up for the anemic upgrade firmware we got earlier.

However, when I went to the Google Spreadsheets pages, my spreadsheet came up with a black empty void where the spreadsheet was supposed to be. I could run Preview and see my original data, but I didn't see how I could edit it.

delaroca 2007-07-18 08:30

Re: Mozilla-based Browser for the Nokia N800

Originally Posted by POost (Post 60876)
This new browser is great news!
Google can now do much of the missing PIM-stuff. And I remember feeling frustrated that I couldn't open locally stored .htm-files in Opera*, this new browser does that without a problem.

One thing: the "fit to width" option seems to work a bit differently from the Opera-version, it feels a bit more clumsy.

(* disclaimer: my memories turn hazy after a couples of weeks. Maybe it wasn't Operas fault, maybe it was just me not finding out how to do it)

Re Google docs, spreadsheet display does not work correctly. Either new or loaded spreadsheets display black text over a black background... I tried fiddling with "selecting all" and then trying to adjust the text and background colors but I didn't succeed.

Anyone observing this too?

-- Denis

arjaan 2007-07-18 08:43

Re: Mozilla-based Browser for the Nokia N800

Originally Posted by Rocketman (Post 60868)
Thanks, editing the .browser file worked for me. I wonder why this option appears enabled for some people and not others? Could it be related to having done a restore from backup after upgrading to the new firmware?

I didnīt do a restore from backup and had the option to switch. I think you're right.

lucky-luke 2007-07-18 09:50

Re: Mozilla-based Browser for the Nokia N800
Any idea how to use it with our OLD 770?
And without the OS2007 HE?

Thanks, great Job!

TA-t3 2007-07-18 10:48

Re: Mozilla-based Browser for the Nokia N800
Has anyone figured ut yet how to reconfigure the D-pad in Mozilla? In Opera I edited the input.ini file to set Down = Page Down and Up = Page Up, to let up/down scroll by a page. I've looked around but haven't figured out how to do this with the new browser. Anyone?

TA-t3 2007-07-18 10:55

Re: Mozilla-based Browser for the Nokia N800
The most noticable issues so far:
- There's a delay before it starts loading the page, like as when I network over GPRS instead of wi-fi.
- Changing zoom level is much slower. This is probably what bothers me most in normal use.
EDIT: - Even more the fact that the on-screen keyboard keeps popping up at all times, even when I have the external BT kbd enabled..

Rider 2007-07-18 11:16

Re: Mozilla-based Browser for the Nokia N800

Originally Posted by TA-t3 (Post 60911)
The most noticable issues so far:
- There's a delay before it starts loading the page, like as when I network over GPRS instead of wi-fi.
- Changing zoom level is much slower. This is probably what bothers me most in normal use.
EDIT: - Even more the fact that the on-screen keyboard keeps popping up at all times, even when I have the external BT kbd enabled..

I had several crashess when changing the zoom level. Page rendered was a large table, no problem with Opera.

BEWARE: The keyboard bug will stay even if you switch back to opera. Even if you uninstall the new browser, the keyboard bug will still remain.

toby 2007-07-18 11:38

Re: Mozilla-based Browser for the Nokia N800

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 60886)
However, when I went to the Google Spreadsheets pages, my spreadsheet came up with a black empty void where the spreadsheet was supposed to be. I could run Preview and see my original data, but I didn't see how I could edit it.

Snap. Is this a known issue?

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