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mattaustin 2012-06-13 13:33

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

Originally Posted by rainisto (Post 1221210)
Good news, on second QA round Presence VNC passed the QA (and this time round 'only' took 6 days and not 7).

Strange, I submitted my app on Sunday, and it was approved today. Maybe the complexity of the app affects the review schedule? Mine is pretty simple, where as this one would involve configuring a VNC server.

Wonko 2012-06-13 14:22

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
MeePasswords had also been accepted in the store:

Edit: The Wiki seems unresponsive at the moment. Will try again later to update the MeePasswords Wiki entry.

qgil 2012-06-13 22:59

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
One more accepted. 4 to go.

There are some submissions pending but there are feasibility / quality / complexity concerns with them. You can help them getting accepted by thanking and commenting positively in their forum threads.

Tweetian (the submission I just accepted) is a good example: he landed cold from the Symbian context and with other Twitter apps around but in a few days he is engaging users and discussing with other developers, showing to everybody the point of his effort.

AlphaX2 2012-06-14 08:01

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
Yay, FotoShareN9 passed now the QA and is now online at Nokia Store:

Thanks for your attention!


AlphaX2 2012-06-14 10:16

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
Hi at all,

just a short question is Nokia Developer "userID" equal to the username? If yes - my username for publishing is different to the one I use on the site. Or is it something else and where can I find this ID? :confused:

Thank you very much in advance.

EDIT: really I think I am stupid, I can't find it! :eek:


Wonko 2012-06-14 10:57

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
Alright, updated the Wiki page as well.

AlphaX2 2012-06-14 18:33

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store

I was never registered at Developer Launchpad - do I have to fill in something special there, or is it more or less regardless? :confused:

Thanks in advance.


qwazix 2012-06-14 19:24

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
it's just the username on (formerly forum nokia), no need to apply for launchpad

mikecomputing 2012-06-14 19:37

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
NFCKeyring uploaded for QA review, but scared it will not be released cause of the crypto issues , lets hope...

qgil 2012-06-14 22:30

Re: 2012 Device Program: New Apps for Nokia Store
One more accepted, 3 spots left.

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